{{ }}  {{ item.title }}
{{ ['none', 'crystal_free'].includes(item.crystal_type) ? "NG" : item.crystal_type.toUpperCase() }}
{{}}  Lv. {{skill.level}}
Monsters & NPC
{{}}   - {{monster.title}} Lv. {{monster.level}}
{{quest.title}}  {{quest.location}}
{{}}  {{getDisplayZoneLevel(location)}}
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Lineage 2 C5 Patch Notes

Character Changes

Maximum Level Increase

The maximum level has been increased from 78 to 80. Subclasses can also reach level 80, complete third class transfers, and become Noblesse. Only the main classes may compete in the Olympiad games to become Heroes.

HP Recovery Speed Increase

HP Recovery Speed has significantly increased for players level 40 and below (while sitting down.)


New ranks will now be created based on a character's social status and clan activities.
  • Ranks will be applied according to a character's clan status, clan level, and position in the clan.
  • Players can see their own rank in the character status window.
  • Players can see the target's rank in the Target window when another player is selected.
  • Heroes and Noblesse characters may attain special ranks regardless of clan status.


Level 5 Clan Solo Character

Level 6 Clan

Level 7 Clan

Level 8 Clan


Non-clan member


Clan member


Clan member in the Academy

Clan member in the Academy

Clan member in the Academy


Clan member of a clan level 5 and above

Clan member in the Royal Guard

Clan member in the Order of Knights


Clan leader of a level 4 clan

Direct clan member

Clan member in the Royal Guard

Clan member in the Order of Knights


Clan leader of a clan level 5 and above

Royal Guard

Direct clan member

Clan member in the Royal Guard




Knight Banneret

Direct clan member


Captain of Royal Guard

Knight Banneret



Captain of the Royal Guard




Other Changes

When a chaotic character with less than 5 PKs is killed by an NPC and drops an item, a party/clan no longer has the 15-second priority.

Clans and Alliances

Clan Organization | Upgrading Clan Levels | Royal Guards and Order of Knights | Reputation Points | Clan Skills Clan Academy | Clan Rights and Delegation | Other Changes ]

The maximum clan level has been increased from level 5 to level 8.

Clan Organization

When the clan level is 5 and above, additional members may be added by creating an Academy, Royal Guard, and Order of Knights. The organizational structure of the clan and number of clan members are as follows:  
Clan Level Mem- bers Acad- emy 1st Royal Guard 2nd Royal Guard 1st Order of Knights 2nd Order of Knights 3rd Order of Knights 4th Order of Knights Max # of Mem- bers



























































































  The maximum number of members within an Academy is 20. The maximum number of members in a Royal Guard is 20, and up to a total of 2 Royal Guard units may be created. The maximum number of members in an Order of Knights is 10, and up to 4 Orders of Knights may be created.

Upgrading Clan Levels

The requirements for upgrading the clan level are as follows:

Clan Level



Required Items

Reputation Score

Minimum Number of Clan Members






1 or more






1 or more




Blood Mark


1 or more




Alliance Manifesto


1 or more




Seal of Aspiration


1 or more






30 or more






80 or more






120 or more

Royal Guards and Order of Knights

When a clan leader upgrades the clan’s level by consuming the clan’s reputation score, the leader may create sub-units called Royal Guards and Orders of Knights.

Requirements for Creating a Royal Guard

When a clan reaches level 6, a Royal Guard may be created. Upon creation of a Royal Guard, one of the clan members must be appointed an administrator. Up to 2 Royal Guards may be created. The maximum number of members in a Royal Guard is 20.

Requirements for Creating an Order of Knights

When a clan reaches level 7, an Order of Knights may be created. Upon creation of an Order of Knights, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. Up to 2 Orders of Knights may be created under one Royal Guard. The maximum number of members in an Order of Knights is 10.


Once created, Royal Guards and Orders of Knights cannot be dissolved unless the clan is dissolved. When the administrator of each unit withdraws from their clan, the unit remains, and the administrator position becomes vacant. In this case, the clan leader must appoint a new administrator. The reappointment of the unit administrator can be done through an NPC that is in charge of clan-related activities.

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the units are as follows:

Rights Within the Clan

  • The clan name of the sub-unit should be the same as the clan.
  • The clan crest and insignia should be also the same as the clan.
  • Sub-units can use the same channel as the clan for clan chat and alliance chat.
  • Sub-units can use the same clan hall, castle, and bulletin board as the clan. (However, if the clan leader changes the rights settings, this right may no longer apply.)
Sub-units can participate in a clan war and siege war under the same conditions as the clan. Which organizations you can invite a new clan member to join is determined by what organization you belong to yourself. When inviting someone, you can now see only those organizations to which you can invite someone. For example, Royal Guard members cannot invite a new clan member as a direct clan member but can invite a new clan member only to Royal Guard/Order of Knights/Academy.

Reputation Points

When a clan reaches level 5 or more, the clan may accumulate clan reputation points which are earned through various clan activities. The world clan ranking based on the clan reputation score may be viewed in the Adventurer's Guide Book. The reputation score increases in the following cases:
  • A clan academy member completes a 2nd class transfer
  • Your clan takes over a castle in a siege (an indecisive victory in a siege war does not increase the reputation score)
  • Your clan holds or defends a castle in a siege (only the clan that owns the defended castle/clan hall earns points)
  • Your clan acquires a siege-enabled clan hall (the reputation score increases more when taking over a clan hall owned by another clan)
  • A clan member takes first place in the Festival of Darkness (the reputation points are distributed in proportion to the number of clan members among the highest-ranking party members)
  • Each time a clan member becomes a Hero
  • A clan quest is completed.
  • By killing an enemy in a clan war (under the condition of mutual war declaration) or siege; however, when the other side’s reputation score is 0 or below, your clan cannot acquire any reputation points from them
The reputation score decreases in the following cases:
  • A clan-owned castle or siege-enabled hall is taken over (when a clan’s reputation score is in the negative (-), the score may still be decreased)
  • A clan’s level is upgraded
  • A clan skill is learned
  • Item(s) are purchased using a clan's reputation score
  • A clan member is killed by an enemy in a clan war (under the condition of mutual war declaration) or siege; however, when the opposing side’s reputation score is 0 or below, your clan’s reputation score does not decrease
Clan members may purchase an A-grade Apella Armor Set with their clan reputation score. The related NPCs are located in the Town of Aden and Rune Township.

Clan Skills

New clan skills that can be applied to all clan members have been added.

Once a clan skill is mastered, it can be permanently used until the clan is dissolved. However, if the clan’s reputation score becomes 0 or below, the skill will no longer work until the reputation score returns to a positive number. When a clan member reaches a status whereas the clan skill can be applied, that clan skill is displayed in the player’s skill window and the skill’s effects are then usable. As the clan’s level increases, additional skills become available. In order to master a clan skill, a clan needs to accumulate special items related to raid bosses and have a sufficient reputation score. If a clan’s reputation score reaches -1 or below, it will be unable to learn clan skills, even ones that do not require a reputation score. The new clan skills are as follows:

Skill Name

Required Clan Level


Clan Vitality 5 Increases clan members' Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher.
Clan Spirituality 6 Increases clan members' Max CP. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher.
Clan Essence 8 Increases clan members' Max MP. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Lifeblood 5 Increases clan members' HP regeneration. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher.
Clan Morale 6 Increases clan members' CP regeneration. It only effects those who are of an Elder class or higher.
Clan Clarity 8 Increases clan members' MP regeneration. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Might 6 Increases clan members' P. Atk. It only effects those who are of a Knight class or higher.
Clan Aegis 6 Increases clan members' P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Knight class or higher.
Clan Empowerment 8 Increases clan members' M. Atk. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Magic Protection 5 Increases clan members' M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher.
Clan Guidance 7 Increases clan members' Accuracy. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher.
Clan Agility 8 Increases clan members' Evasion. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher.
Clan Withstand-Attack 7 Increases clan members' Shield defense probability. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Shield Boost 6 Increases clan members' Shield P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher.
Clan Cyclonic Resistance 7 Increases clan members' resistance to water/wind attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Magmatic Resistance 7 Increases clan members' resistance to fire/earth attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Fortitude 7 Increases clan members' resistance to stunning blows. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Freedom 7 Increases clan members' resistance to being held or charmed. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan Vigilance 7 Increases clan members' resistance to sleep. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher.
Clan March 8 Increases clan members' Speed. It only effects those who are of a Count class or higher.
Clan Luck 7 Decreases clan members' experience point reduction rate and the chance of items being dropped upon death by PK/monsters. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher.
Clan Imperium 5 Grants the right to open a clan command channel

Clan Academy

An Academy system has been added in order to ease game play for new players in addition to creating a method for long-term clan expansion.

Creation Requirements

Clans level 5 and above may create an Academy.

Conditions for Joining

Any character, level 39 or below, who has not yet joined a clan and has not yet completed the second class transfer may join an Academy. The maximum number of members in an Academy is 20.

How to Create an Academy

The clan leader can create an Academy through NPCs who are in charge of clan-related activities (a High Priest, Grand Master, etc.).

Benefits and Withdrawal of Academy Members

When an Academy member completes his/her second class transfer, the member will receive a commemorative item. The Grand Master NPC of the member’s own class will award the commemorative item automatically upon the completion of the second class transfer. The member is then automatically withdrawn from the Academy, and will not receive a penalty for re-joining a clan.

Academy Members’ Rights

An Academy member’s clan name is the same as the main clan name, but is displayed in yellow. Academy members may use clan chat and alliance chat. By default, Academy members may use the clan hall and castle owned by the clan just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader does have the option to set it up so that Academy members may not use them. Academy members may use the clan warehouse and clan bulletin board just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader does have the option to set it up so that Academy members may not use them. The rights below cannot be bestowed upon Academy members:
  • Join a clan or be dismissed
  • Title management, crest management, master management, level management, bulletin board administration
  • Clan war, right to dismiss, set functions
  • Auction, manage taxes, attack/defend registration, mercenary management
When in a clan war or a siege with Academy members:
  • Experience penalties apply even when killed by opposing members of a clan in a mutual war.
  • Academy members cannot see an enemy mark displayed on the enemy clan members’ character name.
  • Academy members have no relationship during a clan war or siege war.


Academy members who have a sponsor have their names displayed in yellow, but the names of those without sponsors are displayed in white. Clan members who have master management rights may appoint other clan members as sponsors for Academy members. Alert messages indicating their logged in status will be displayed for Academy members and their sponsors. The relationship between Academy members and their sponsors may only be one-on-one. Clan members who have master management rights may dissolve the relationship between an Academy member and their sponsor. Related Quests Academy members can acquire a D-grade armor set through a quest that may be conducted with ordinary clan members. Only Academy members and graduates of an Academy may wear the armor set acquired through this quest. When withdrawing from an Academy, after acquiring the armor set, the armor will not be unequipped automatically. However, once you unequip the armor it cannot be worn again.

Clan Rights and Delegation

Many different kinds of rights have been added and modified for clan leaders to bestow upon clan members. Clan leaders need to pay extra attention when they bestow these rights to their clan members especially when related to things such as clan reputation points, clan member joining/withdrawal, and rights related to the clan’s castle and manor. New rights include:
  • Dismiss: the leader can expel clan members.
  • Master Rights: the leader can appoint or remove a master.
  • Manage Ranks: the leader can set the rights level of each clan member.
  • Manage Levels: the leader can set the clan castle and clan manor management levels.
Modified rights include:
  • Edit Emblem: the leader can register or delete the clan emblem or clan insignia.
  • Clan Hall Privileges - Use Functions: can use the clan hall function.
  • Clan Hall Privileges - Set Functions: can set the clan hall function.
  • Castle Rights - Manor Administration: can set the manor.
  • Castle Rights - Manage Taxes: can set the castle tax and deposit/withdraw the tax.
  • Castle Rights - Manage Mercenaries: can hire a mercenary.
  • Castle Rights - Set Functions: can set the castle function. (Reinforce castle gates, castle walls, and set a trap device.)
The clan leader may assign rights related to clan halls and castles even when the clan doesn’t own one at the time. The “Edit Privileges” function has been added for the assignment of simple rights. A clan leader may setup clan rights in advance and according to rank. To assign rights to clan members by rank:
  1. In the Clan Member list, double-click on a character name.
  2. Click the “Change Rank” button in the Clan Window menu and bestow the desired rank.

Clan Leadership Transfer

A clan leader may transfer their rights to other clan members. The leader must request the clan leader transfer from an NPC who is in charge of clan activities. The new clan leader will assume their new role during the next regularly scheduled maintenance time (10:30 CDT on Tuesdays). (The clan leader transfer should still be completed even when the server is down unexpectedly.) A clan leader transfer may be cancelled anytime prior to the regular maintenance time.

Clan Window

Many different functions have been added for easier and more systematic clan-related activities and as such, the related interface has also been improved. Double click on a clan member’s name in the member list to open a menu window displaying the rights given to that member.

Selection tabs have been added to the clan window so that you may see the members of the main clan, Academy, Royal Guard, and Order of Knights. In order to invite somebody to join a clan, click the “Invite” button and select the organization within the clan you wish to invite the person to. When clicking the Edit Emblem button, the menu window where you may register or delete the clan emblem or clan insignias is displayed. An information window to view clan war information by status has been added as well as an Edit Privileges window.

Other Changes

The maximum number of clans in an alliance is three. The penalty given upon dismissal or withdrawal from a clan has been shortened from 5 days to 1 day. Clan Hall Managers now show the amount that will be deducted from the clan warehouse and the date the transaction will occur.

Heroes and Olympiad

You may view the Olympiad score from the previous period of games through the Grand Olympiad Manager.

When an Olympiad game ends in a draw, the Olympiad points for PCs on both sides are now reduced.

A buff is provided in games between PCs of the same class and a Noblesse Gate Pass is rewarded to the winner.

Hero skills and clan skills cannot be used in an Olympiad game.

When there are multiple 1st place winners from each class, the character that has won the most games becomes a Hero. When the number of games won is the same, then the character who has the highest winning percentage becomes a Hero. When Olympiad points, number of wins, and winning percentage are all the same, then there will be no Hero in each class. However, the basic requirements to be a Hero, which are that the character participate in 5 games and should have at least one victory, remain the same as in Chronicle 4.

When an Olympiad match cannot be held due to a lack of combatants, the system will notify you of the game delay with an appropriate message.

When being moved to the Olympiad Stadium in the middle of summoning a servitor or cubic, the skill in use is terminated automatically.

When moved to an Olympiad Stadium with the automatic use of Soulshots/Spiritshots or Beast Soulshots/Spiritshots enabled, the automatic use is cancelled.

Hero Skills

New Hero skills have been added. Hero skills may be acquired through the Grand Olympiad Manager upon becoming a Hero; however, you cannot use a Hero skill when in subclass status.

Skill Name


Heroic Miracle Instantly and significantly increases P.Def., M.Def., and resistance to buff canceling attacks as well as increases Speed. Consumes 40 Soul Ores.
Heroic Berserker Temporarily yet significantly increases Accuracy, P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd., Speed, resistance to buff canceling attacks and debuff attacks, and the effects of HP regeneration magic. Significantly decreases P. Def., M. Def., and Evasion while the effect lasts. Consumes 40 Soul Ores.
Heroic Valor Temporarily yet significantly increases P. Atk., P.Def., and resistance to buff canceling attacks. Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.
Heroic Grandeur Instantly and significantly decreases nearby enemies' P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and Shield defense probability, and increases the chance of negating the effects of magical damage, and blocks all physical and magic skill effects. Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.
Heroic Dread Instantly instills fear into enemies and causes them to flee with increased Speed (momentum). Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.

Other Changes

When Heroes participate in a raid against Antharas, Valakas, and Baium, the boss monster has a chance to shout out the Hero characters’ names.

Skills and Magic

New Skills | Changes to Existing Skills ]

New Skills

The skills below have been added.

Name Class Mastery Level Description
Tribunal Paladin 55 Use your collected sacred energy to provoke your enemies to attack and instantly decrease their critical attack chance at the same time. An equipped sword or blunt weapon is required in order to use this skill.  Over-hit is possible.
Temple Knight
Judgment Dark Avenger 55 Use your collected dark energy to provoke your enemies  to attack and instantly decrease their critical attack power at the same time. An equipped sword or blunt weapon is required in order to use this skill.  Over-hit is possible.
Shillien Knight
Arrest Temple Knight 55 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s) may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
Shillien Knight
Shackle Paladin 55 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s) may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
Dark Avenger
Mass Shackling Paladin 58 Provokes nearby enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s) may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
Banish Undead Paladin 55 The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Soul Ores are required.
Angelic Icon Paladin 58 By the will of your God, your fighting ability significantly increases.  While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases.  This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.
Psycho Symphony Swordsinger 55 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies.
Demonic Blade Dance Bladedancer 55 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill.
Critical Blow Treasure Hunter 55 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an  extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger is required to use this skill.
Mortal Strike Plains Walker 58 Temporarily increases your chances of making a critical strike. An equipped dagger is required to use this skill.
Abyss Walker
Stealth Treasure Hunter 58 You use the shadows and your keen senses to temporarily avoid monsters' initial strikes. While in effect, your fighting ability significantly decreases.
Sand Bomb Treasure Hunter 55 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy).
Plains Walker
Abyss Walker
Rapid Fire Silver Ranger 60 Temporarily increases your P. Atk. and Atk. Spd. when using a bow. While in effect, your firing range decreases.  Obviously, an equipped bow is required to use this skill.
Dead Eye Phantom Ranger 60 Temporarily increases your Accuracy, P. Atk., and Critical Attack Power when using a bow. While in effect, your Atk. Spd. decreases.  Obviously, an equipped bow is required to use this skill.
Spirit of Sagittarius Hawkeye 58 Temporarily decreases the MP consumption of a physical skill.
Silver Ranger
Phantom Ranger
Blessing of Sagittarius Hawkeye 58 Temporarily decreases a physical skill's recovery time.
Silver Ranger
Pain of Sagittarius Hawkeye 58 Regenerates your MP by sacrificing your HP.
Phantom Ranger
Quiver of Holding Hawkeye 58 Increases your weight capacity.
Summon Treasure Key Treasure Hunter 46 Summons 20-30 Treasure Chest Keys, a single Treasure Chest Key or a single Thief Key.
Plains Walker
Abyss Walker
Zealot Destroyer 58 By the will of a Guardian God, you instantly and significantly increase your fighting ability. While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases. This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.
Fell Swoop Warlord 58 Temporarily increases the number of enemies affected by your spear attack. Obviously, an equipped spear is required to use this skill.
Polearm Accuracy Warlord 58 Increases your Accuracy when using a spear. While in use, MP is continuously consumed.
Bounty Hunter
Infernal Form Destroyer 58 Temporarily bestows a fire enchantment for all physical attacks and increases your resistance to fire.
War Frenzy Gladiator 58 Increases your resistance to stun and sleep. While in use, MP is continuously consumed.
Bounty Hunter
Hawk Spirit Totem Tyrant 74 The spirit of the great hawk possesses you, temporarily increasing Accuracy, critical attack rate and critical attack power when using hand-to-hand combat weapons. Can be used with hand-to-hand combat weapons.
Betray Warlock 56 Confuses an enemy into attacking its allies. Spirit Ores are required.
Elemental Summoner
Phantom Summoner
Mass Fear Necromancer 58 This curse causes nearby enemies to tremble and flee at the sight of your awesome power and insatiable wickedness.
Mass Gloom Necromancer 58 This curse decreases the M. Def. of enemies that are near a servitor. Cursed bones are required.
Mass Surrender To Fire Warlock 58 Near a servitor, this decreases your enemies’ resistance to fire attacks. Spirit Ores are required.
Mass Surrender To Water Elemental Summoner 58 Near a servitor, this decreases your enemies’ resistance to water attacks. Spirit Ores are required.
Mass Surrender To Wind Phantom Summoner 58 Near a servitor, this decreases your enemies’ resistance to wind attacks. Spirit Ores are required.
Arcane Disruption Warlock 56 Decreases your enemies' Casting Spd.
Summon Cursed Bones Necromancer 58 Summons cursed bones. Spirit Ores are required.
Greater Might Prophet 58 Temporarily increases your target's P. Atk. Spirit Ores are required.
Greater Shield Prophet 58 Temporarily increases your target's P. Def. Spirit Ores are required.
War Chant Warcryer 58 Temporarily increases your party’s P. Atk. Spirit Ores are required.
Earth Chant Warcryer 58 Temporarily increases your party’s  P. Def. Spirit Ores are required.
Holy Resistance Prophet 58 Temporarily increases your target's resistance to Sacred attacks.
Shillien Elder
Unholy Resistance Prophet 58 Temporarily increases your target's resistance to Dark attacks.
Trance Bishop 56 Instantly puts enemies to sleep. The target(s) may not be put to sleep again while the spell remains in effect.
Magical Backfire Bishop 56 Instantly increases the MP consumption rate of your enemy's skills.
Clarity Elder 58 Temporarily decreases your target's MP consumption rate for skills. Spirit Ores are required
Mana Burn Bishop 56 Your enemies’ MP is reduced.
Shillien Elder
Mana Storm Bishop 58 All nearby enemies have their MP reduced.
Turn Undead Bishop 56 The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature.  A Lethal Strike is possible. Spirit Ores are required
Major Heal Bishop 56 Your target instantly recovers their HP. Spirit Ores are required.
Major Group Heal Bishop 58 Your party instantly recovers their HP.
Erase Bishop 56 Your enemy’s servitor is cast out into another dimension. Spirit Ores are required.
Shillien Elder

Changes to Existing Skills

1. The resistance level against various abnormal state attacks has been modified.

  • Poison: Men -> Con
  • Abnormal state of various magic: Wit -> Men

2. Abnormal states relating to elemental attacks have been modified as follows:

  • Buffs and debuffs are not applied simultaneously during the same attack.
  • Buffs and debuffs may be in effect simultaneously when applied from different attacks.
  • When in an abnormal state at the same level, a debuff overrides the effects of a buff.
  • Debuffs are weaker against the same types of elemental attacks and are slightly more resistant to elemental attacks that are opposite in nature. (i.e., Fire <-> Water, Earth<-> Wind)

3. The effect and duration of skills that reduce Speed have been reduced.

4. Hate and Aura of Hate can now target casters.

5. The Cancel Resistance Effect is now available for Ultimate Defense, Ultimate Evasion, Touch of Life, Vengeance, and Lion Heart.

6. Lightning Strike’s MP consumption and success rates have increased. At the same time, the skill’s duration and recovery time have decreased.

7. Corpse Plague’s MP consumption rate and effective range have decreased.

8. The MP consumption rate for Touch of Death and Touch of Life has decreased.

9. The attacks for the skills below have been added.

  • Holy Strike, Disrupt Undead, Might of Heaven – Sacred Attacks
  • Horror, Lure, Switch, Trick, Forget, Peace – Mental Attacks

10. Energy skills have been changed as follows:

  • The remaining force is reduced by as much as is necessary for casting the skill.
  • In the case of Gladiators, the necessary force to use a skill is increased by 1, and the recovery time has been decreased.
  • Area of effect skills now consume energy stones without consuming force.
  • A skill’s critical effect now apply at a predetermined rate: Skill damage x 2.

11. Focused Force and Sonic Focus now consume HP and MP separately.

12. The casting speed of Sonic Rage and Raging Force have been slightly increased.

13. When using Duelist Spirit in PvP combat, damage has increased and recovery time has decreased.

14. Totem skills have been changed as follows:

Recovery time has been adjusted.

  • Wolf Spirit Totem, Bear Spirit Totem: 90 seconds
  • Puma Spirit Totem, Ogre Spirit Totem: 120 seconds
  • Rabbit Spirit Totem, Bison Spirit Totem: 180 seconds

Details of Skill Changes

  • Wolf Spirit Totem: The Speed bonus duration has increased, and an Accuracy rate bonus has been added.
  • Bear Spirit Totem: A Critical Damage bonus has been added.
  • Puma Spirit Totem: The Atk. Spd. bonus has decreased, an Accuracy bonus has been added, and the P. Def. penalty has been removed.
  • Ogre Spirit Totem: The P. Atk., Accuracy, Max HP, and HP regeneration bonuses have been removed and the P. Def. bonus has been increased.
  • Rabbit Spirit Totem: The Speed and Evasion have decreased.
  • Bison Spirit Totem: An Accuracy bonus has been added (the lower the HP level, the higher the effect.)

15. The skills below will have a chance to disregard the target’s shield defense rate.

  • Spinning Slasher, Thunder Storm, Punch of Doom, Hammer Crush, Triple Sonic Slash, Burning Fist, Soul Breaker, Hurricane Assault, Crush of Doom, Shock Blast, and Earthquake

16. The Revival effect has changed to full HP recovery, and the requirement to use the skill has been changed from 10% to 5% of the caster’s remaining HP.

17. In case of the Rage and Frenzy skills, the effect will be applied differently according to the equipped weapons.

  • Sword/Blunt Weapons: same as before
  • Two-handed Sword/Two-handed
  • Blunt Weapons: same effect as before with increased Accuracy and P. Atk.
  • Other Weapons Excluding Sword/Blunt Weapons/Two-handed Blunt Weapons: decreased skill effect

18. The Focus Attack skill has been re-categorized from a toggle skill to a buff skill, and the appropriate skill levels have been added.

19. The recovery time and MP consumption of Dash and Blinding Blow have been decreased and the skills’ duration has been increased.

20. Lethal Strike’s effect has been increased.

  • Effect 1: At a low probability, it lowers monsters’ HP by 50% and players’ CP to 1.
  • Effect 2: At an extremely low probability, it lowers monsters’ HP to 1 and players’ CP and HP to 1.

21. Lethal Strike’s effect has been added to Deadly Blow and Blinding Blow.

22. The Lethal Strike and skill critical effects (skill damage x2) have been added to Backstab, and the damage of Soulshots has been increased due to a change in the damage formula.

23. A cancel target effect has been added to Stun Shot, Trick, and Switch.

24. A skill critical effect has been added to Double Shot (Skill damage x2).

25. Snipe’s P. Atk., Accuracy, and firing range have been increased, and the casting speed and recovery time have also been increased.

26. The skill casting time of Sleep and Sleeping Cloud has been increased.

27. In the cases of Cancel and Touch of Death, up to 5 skill effects of the target can be removed.

28. The Mage class is penalized in decreased Accuracy with increased casting time when using a bow or spear.

29. When a servitor hits a player, damage is only applied at a certain rate. But when it is a non-specialized servitor, the damage rate goes down even further.

30. For the skills that absorb HP at a certain rate of damage, their MP consumption has been adjusted.

  • MP Consumption decrease: Drain Health
  • MP Consumption increase: Vampiric Claw, Steal Essence, Life Leech, Vampiric Touch, Life Drain

31. The power of Dark Vortex has been decreased, and its absorption ratio has been increased.

32. Sorcerers, Spellhowlers, and Spellsingers can now learn Curse Fear.

33. The range of Mass Slow has been changed to the target base from the caster base.

34. Berserker Spirit and Holy Weapon can now only be used on party members.

35. Evasion now will be additionally decreased from existing effects when casting Berserker-related skills, such as Berserker Spirit and Rage of Pa'agrio.

36. The effects of Greater Heal, Greater Group Heal, and Heart of Pa'agrio (learned after completion of the 2nd class transfer) are changed from instant effect to instant+sustaining effect (heal over time). The overall regeneration skill amounts have been increased to 110~120% as compared to before.

37. The effect range for clan/alliance skills (Mass Resurrection included) have been significantly increased.

38. A Mana burning effect has been added to Aura Sink and Seal of Gloom.

39. The success rate of Forget, Curse Fear, Anchor, Peace, Hold Undead, and Lightning Strike has been increased.

40. The effects of certain skills have been changed.

41. MP/HP consumption have been adjusted to fit the effect of some skills.

42. The SP required to learn skills have been adjusted according to class.

43. The effect of Mental Shield has decreased.

44. Backstab can inflict damage directly on HP regardless of the target player’s CP.

45. The monsters below will no longer be affected by skills such as Dance of Shadow, Stealth, and Silent Move, and effects such as Lethal Strike and effects that forcefully change the targets.

  • Monsters related to a siege, clan hall, and quest, raid monsters (followers included), and boss monsters (followers included).
  • Monsters in the Festival of Darkness and Four Sepulchers, treasure chests, and Frintezza’s passageway war, as well as some Dimensional Rift series monsters, and fishing monsters.

46. The Sonic Blaster skill is now learned at level 43 (previously level 40).

47. The Double Sonic Slash skill is now learned at level 49 (previously level 46).

48. The effect of Transfer Pain skill can now be applied only when the servitor is near the master.

49. The re-use time for Curse Fear has been reduced from 20 to 10 seconds.

Teleporting and Gatekeepers

Teleport locations and their associated costs have changed.

The changes regarding teleportation are as follows:

  • Teleportation areas between starting villages have been added to assist beginners/new characters.
  • Beginners may now teleport between villages through the Newbie Guide using items gained upon completion of a tutorial quest.
  • Teleportation areas between villages have increased and systemized for easier transportation between territories.
  • A direct route has been established between the castle towns of each territory.
  • The teleport fee from a village to a hunting ground has been increased in proportion to the hunting ground level and distance. As an example, the teleport fee from a starting village to a nearby hunting ground is less expensive than if teleporting from other villages.

Teleportation areas have been reset according to the roles and functions of the Gatekeepers.

Ordinary Gatekeeper

  • Teleports between villages.
  • Teleports between a village and hunting ground (does not teleport to the Seven Signs Dungeons or the Seven Signs-related hunting grounds).

Noblesse Teleport

  • Teleports to hunting grounds that ordinary Gatekeepers cannot teleport to.
  • Teleports to the center of any hunting ground that ordinary Gatekeepers can also teleport to.

Clan Hall Teleport

  • The hunting grounds in the territory where the clan hall resides.
  • Lower fees than through an ordinary Gatekeeper.

Seven Signs Priest Teleport

Competition Period: Both Dawn and Dusk may be used.

  • Teleport to areas that are Seven Signs-related hunting grounds and or dungeons.
  • You may not teleport to ordinary hunting grounds.

Validation Period: Only the winning group may use teleportation.

  • The winning cabal may use the teleportation service at a lower price than during the competition period.
  • Teleport to areas that are Seven Signs-related hunting grounds and or dungeons.
  • You may not teleport to ordinary hunting grounds.

Rune and Schuttgart Territories

Rune Territory | Schuttgart Territory ]

New hunting grounds and dungeons have been added to Rune Territory, the Orc areas, and Schuttgart Territory. These will also connect the Dwarf areas to the mainland.

Rune Territory

Three dungeons have been added to the Rune Territory.

The Pagan Temple

The Pagan Temple is located in Rune Township. Some of Rune’s nobles worship the devil Triole, one of the “4 Kings”, and have built this temple in a large area in the underground of Rune Township.

In order to enter the temple, you must be one of the Pagans or make an oath that you will be making an offering to Triole. The monsters appearing here are at levels 80 to 87, some of the highest level monsters in the world.

The Stakato Nest

The Stakato Nest is located to the east of the Swamp of Screams. In this underground cave, there resides the Stakato Queen (who is almost at the end of her life) and her followers. The Stakato Proconsul, an elite warrior class of the Stakato, is born and raised here. The monsters appearing here are at levels 72 to 80, and present new battle challenges to players.

The Monastery of Silence

The Monastery of Silence is located to the east of the Valley of Saints and is at odds with The Pagan Temple. This dungeon was built by the priests of Einhasad.

The Monastery has two entrances, and it is possible to enter from both ways since it is adjacent to Goddard and the border of Rune. The monsters appearing here are at levels 80 to 87, some of the highest level monsters in the world.

Schuttgart Territory

Six hunting grounds have been added to Schuttgart Territory.

The Frozen Labyrinth

The Frozen Labyrinth is located southeast of Schuttgart Castle and is a field hunting ground composed of many valleys. The structure of the valleys is complicated, much like a labyrinth, and is connected to the The Ice Queen’s Castle. You may hunt solo or in a group in this area. The monsters appearing here are at levels 53 to 63, and mean business.

The Den of Evil

The Den of Evil is located south of Schuttgart Castle. In this area, Ragna Orcs are expanding their power by using evil spirits in league with the Baranka Shamans.

You may hunt solo or in a group in this area. The monsters appearing here are at levels 40 to 50.

The Plunderous Plains

The Plunderous Plains are located east of Schuttgart Castle. This area was once a very important transportation hub that connected Dwarven villages and the Town of Schuttgart by railroad. This vile and unlawful area is now full of brigands who target Dwarven merchants. There are field hunting ground here with monsters at level 30 to 40.

The Ice Queen’s Castle

The Ice Queen’s Castle is located southeast of Schuttgart Castle, and may be entered through the Frozen Labyrinth. Only a party of two or more members can enter. All party members must possess 10 Silver Hemocytes gained through a quest.

This hunting ground is based on a timed attack concept, and only one party may enter every 35 minutes. If the raid boss is not attacked and defeated within the given time, then the party is transported back outside. The monsters inside the castle are levels 55 to 60. Restarting is impossible once you are in the Ice Queen’s Castle; even if the server goes down, players must meet the entry conditions and start over from the beginning.

The Crypts of Disgrace

The Crypts of Disgrace are located southwest of Schuttgart Castle. These crypts are part of a passageway that leads to Schuttgart Castle from the Orc Village. Players may hunt solo or in a small groups here. The monsters appearing here are at levels 25 to 32.

The Pavel Ruins

The Pavel Ruins are located south of the Town of Schuttgart. Here the giant Pavel used to study weather phenomenon.

The ruins are now under control of a mad dwarf scientist known as Dr. Chaos. The monsters appearing in these ruins are at levels 46 to 54.

Monsters and other NPC

Frintezza | Life Crystals ]

Monsters with unique battle characteristics have been added in accordance with player level increases and other improvements to the game.

The monsters can have the following new abilities when fighting within any of the hunting grounds:

  • May use a Healing Potion in the middle of a battle.
  • May use counter-skills to attack when being attacked with certain skills.
  • May summon a distant attacking player to them.
  • May pick up dropped items on the ground at certain time intervals.

Monsters that present many different abilities based on various battle situations have also been added.

Raid Boss Monsters

The abilities of a raid boss monster has increased overall, and the rewards have also increased.

Just like the raid bosses, boss-ranked monsters (i.e., Ant Queen, Core, Orfen, and Zaken) and their monster followers now use petrification or silence when they are attacked by players 9 or more levels higher, or if they are using skills.

Raid monsters have been added to the newly added territories in Chronicle 5.


Frintezza, the son of Baium of Elmoreden, has been added as a new boss monster.

Frintezza was granted eternal life from a devil, and he presents a unique battle style and characteristic than that of any other existing boss monster.

Location and Entry

Frintezza resides in the last tomb beyond a secret wall that is connected to the Imperial Tomb. In order to enter, players must satisfy the entry conditions through a related quest that begins with the Nameless Spirit within the Four Sepulchers.

A minimum of four parties may enter; five parties at most can enter. These parties must be organized through a command channel and the command channel leader must possess Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal Scroll.

The Last Imperial Tomb

The Last Imperial Tomb is made up of a long passageway and a room where Frintezza resides. In the passageway connected to Frintezza’s room, you can gain many items that will be useful in your battle with Frintezza.

Life Crystals

Rewards from the raid monsters have been diversified, and a new process of item assembly has been added.

Many different kinds of Life Crystals may be acquired from hunting raid monsters at level 40 and above. These crystals can be assembled through an Adventure Guild or the Adventure Guild Manager to create C Grade, B Grade, and A Grade items (weapons, armor, accessories, hair accessories, etc.).

When a clan that owns a castle hunts a certain raid monster, an Adventure Guild Manager who can assemble A-grade weapons and armor appears in a castle town that is owned by the clan. Certain Life Crystals, dropped by raid monsters, may be changed to the Life Crystal necessary for assembling A-grade weapons and armor through an Adventure Guild Manager.

You may also gamble by trading a Life Crystal for other items with an Adventure Guild NPC.


Instant Effect Items | Demonic Sword Zariche | Armor Set Bonuses | Adventurer’s Guide Book | New Items | Recipes ]

Instant Effect Items

In order to maximize the efficiency of solo hunting, instant effect items have been added. Instant effect items are only dropped in areas set as solo hunting grounds. When hunting monsters in these areas, instant effect items, such as items to increase your HP/MP regeneration or P. Atk./M. Atk are dropped.

The instant effect items are as follows:

  • Herb of Life: recovers HP.
  • Herb of Mana: recovers MP.
  • Herb of Strength: temporarily increases P. Atk.
  • Herb of Magic: temporarily increases M. Atk.

Herbs of Life and Herbs of Mana do not recover HP and MP at any standard rate; they recover a certain % of total HP and MP of the character that picks them up. Herbs of Strength and Herbs of Magic have overlapping effects with existing skills that have similar effects and their duration time is 2 minutes.

Instant effect items cannot be stored in inventory and will immediately take effect when they are picked up.

If an instant effect item is dropped by a monster and not picked up within 15 seconds, they will disappear.

When a party member picks up an instant effect item while they are hunting, the effect will be applied instantly to the person who picked it up regardless of the party’s looting rules.

The Demonic Sword Zariche

The weapon of slaughter, The Demonic Sword Zariche (hereafter Zariche), was once used by the Demon Bremmnon, one of the four demon kings.

Drop Rate and Possession Rules

  • All monsters in the world have the potential to drop it. However, only one of these exists in the whole world.
  • It is impossible to drop, exchange, or destroy this item from your inventory.
  • When Zariche is dropped in the world, the entire world becomes dark for a short period of time, the ground shakes, and a system message notifies all players that the demonic sword has been found.
  • The character that acquires Zariche goes into a chaotic state (red) instantly, and his/her HP, CP, and MP are fully recovered (100%).
  • Once obtained, the character’s karma becomes maximized. Unless Zariche leaves the character, the character will always have karma.
  • When a character acquires Zariche, it is equipped automatically and is impossible to un-equip.
  • Zariche automatically disappears after a certain period of time (once acquired).
  • When a character who possesses Zariche dies, it disappears or is dropped immediately.
  • Zariche will still automatically leave its owner at the appropriate time regardless if they are logged in or not.
  • The character who possesses Zariche will be notified by a system message with how much time is remaining before Zariche leaves.

Wars and Parties

The following will be applied to the character who possesses Zariche in PvP, clans wars, and in parties.

  • A player carrying Zariche cannot attack players that are level 20 or lower. In the same respect, players must be level 21 or higher to attack the character wielding Zariche.
  • When striking (excluding magic and physical skills) players, including Heroes, their CP is instantly reduced to 0.
  • When a Hero strikes (excluding magic and physical skills) a character wielding Zariche, the CP of that character is instantly reduced to 0.
  • PK penalties such as experience point loss, item drops, karma increases, etc. will not be applicable to either side when a player wielding Zariche is involved.
  • A player wielding Zariche cannot join a party with other players.
  • If a player acquires Zariche while in a party, that character is automatically withdrawn from that party.
  • The player wielding Zariche cannot use the party matching system or command channel.
  • The player wielding Zariche cannot give or accept buffs and may not be healed or heal other players. However, he or she may use buffs and heal themselves.
  • The player wielding Zariche may summon a pet/servitor, but may not ride a pet.

Olympiad and Heroes

  • The player wielding Zariche cannot participate in the Olympiad.
  • When a Hero acquires Zariche, skills designed for Heroes may still be used.

Ability and Life Span

  • When with a player wielding Zariche kills another player, Zariche’s lifespan shortens but the swords abilities increase.
  • Zariche causes its wielder to recognize everyone involved in a siege war as enemies.
  • When a player wielding Zariche dies and the sword’s abilities have been enhanced, the sword will be dropped and its abilities will return to normal.

Armor Set Bonuses

Additional effects will be bestowed when complete armor sets are enchanted to +6 and above. Each individual item in the set will need to be enchanted to +6 or above in order to benefit from the new effects.

These effects differ depending on each individual armor type or grade.

Adventurer’s Guide Book

An Adventurer’s Guide Book has been added for quest information, hunting grounds, raid boss monsters, areas, etc.

Raid scores and ranking can be viewed in the raid information window. Raid score is calculated in one month cycles, and when a new cycle starts, the score from the previous period is initialized.

The new period starts the 1st of every month at 05:00. The previous score and ranking will be displayed for 1 week, and after one week the information of the current period will be displayed.

The book can be purchased from a grocer in each village.

New Items


D Grade through A Grade weapons have been added.

Item Type

Item Name P. Atk/M. Atk


Crystal Count

Special Abilities

Two-Handed Sword

Titan Sword 96 / 47



Pa’agrian Sword 169 / 76



Focus (Red)

Health (Green)

Critical Drain (Blue)

Guardian Sword 236 / 99



Health (Green)

Critical Drain (Red)

Critical Bleed (Blue)

Infernal Master 259 / 107



Focus (Blue)

Critical Damage (Green)

Haste (Red)


Priest’s Sword 32 / 35



Sword of Magic Fog 63 / 63

Mysterious Sword 85 / 81



Acumen (Red)

Magic Power (Green)

Magic Weakness (Blue)

Ecliptic Sword 125 / 111



Greater Empower (Red)

Magic Power (Green)

Magic Silence (Blue)

Wizard’s Tear 155 / 132



Acumen (Red)

Magic Power (Green)

Conversion (Blue)

Two-Handed Blunt Weapons

Titan Hammer 96 / 47



Dwarven Hammer 190 / 83



Health (Green)

Anger (Red)

Critical Bleed (Blue)

Karik Horn 169 / 76



Focus (Blue)

Haste (Green)

Critical Drain (Red)

Star Buster 236 / 99



Health (Red)

Haste (Green)

Rsk. Focus (Blue)

Ice Storm Hammer 213 / 91



Focus (Red)

Anger (Green)

Critical Bleed (Blue)

Destroyer Hammer 259 / 107



Health (Red)

Haste (Green)

Critical Drain (Blue)

Doom Crusher 282 / 114



Health (Red)

Anger (Green)

Rsk. Haste (Blue)

Blunt Weapon

Priest’s Mace 63 / 63



Ecliptic Axe 125 / 111



Conversion (Red)

Magic Power (Green)

Magic Hold (Blue)

Spell Breaker 140 / 122



Acumen (Blue)

Magic Mental Shield (Green)

Magic Hold (Red)

Kaim Vanul’s Bones 155 / 132



Mana Up (Red)

Magic Silence (Green)

Conversion (Blue)

Spiritual Eye 170 / 143



Mana Up (Red)

Magic Poison (Green)

Acumen (Blue)

Flaming Dragon Skull 186 / 152



Acumen (Red)

Magic Power (Green)

Magic Silence (Blue)

Courage Charms

Courage Charms, items that can prevent the reduction of experience points upon death in a siege, have been added.

These charms may be stored in inventory and used similarly to a Lucky Charm (by double-clicking on it.) Only Courage Charms that are the same level as one’s expertise skill level or an upper-grade Courage Charm may be used.

When a player dies in a siege and the Charm is in effect, experience points are not lost. This is only applicable when a death occurs on the battlefield.

The effect of the Courage Charm does not overlap with other buffs and is applied separately. The effect lasts about 2 hours.

It can be purchased from Trader Ralford in the Ivory Tower located in Oren Territory. Courage Charms may be exchanged or traded.

Clan Armor Sets

Clan Apella armor sets may be purchased by using clan reputation points. An Apella set can only be worn by the Baron class and above.

Academy members can gain a Clan Oath armor set through a quest.

Armor sets by type are listed below:


 D Grade

A Grade

Heavy Armor Set

Clan Oath Plate Armor Apella Plate Armor
Clan Oath Gauntlet Apella Gauntlet
Clan Oath Sabaton Apella Solleret
Clan Oath Great Helm Apella Great Helm

Light Armor Set

Clan Oath Brigandine Apella Brigandine
Clan Oath Leather Gloves Apella Leather Gloves
Clan Oath Boots Apella Boots
Clan Oath Helm Apella Helm

Robe Set

Clan Oath Aketon Apella Doublet
Clan Oath Padded Gloves Apella Silk Gloves
Clan Oath Shoes Apella Sandals
Clan Oath Cap Apella Cap

Hair Accessories

Twelve new hair accessories have been added.

  • Raid Challenger Circlet: Beginners’ circlet for raid challengers.
  • Raid Adventurer Circlet: Intermediate circlet for raid adventurers.
  • Raid Master Circlet: Advanced circlet for raid masters.
  • Ice Fairy Sirra’s Circlet: Obtained after defeating Ice Fairy Sirra.
  • Academy Circlet: Given to the Academy graduates.
  • Rune Circlet: Symbolized with by a rose. Only a Lord or clan members of Rune can wear it. Alliance members cannot wear it.
  • Schuttgart Circlet: Symbolized by a hammer and torch. Only the lord and clan members of Schuttgart can wear it. Alliance members cannot wear it.
  • Party Hat: Pointy hat accessory. It uses two head accessory slots.
  • Feathered Hat: A dandy wide-brimmed hat with a feather. It uses two head accessory slots.
  • Artisan's Goggles: Big goggles over the eyes. It uses two headaccessory slots.
  • Little Angel Wing: Wing-shaped hair accessory.
  • Fairy Antennae: Cute antennae hair accessory with stars attached.


Recipes for the new Chronicle 5 weapons have been added.

Recipes for the A Grade items below are now dropping from monsters.

  • Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Mail (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Leather Mail (60%)
  • Sealed Nightmare Leather Mail (60%)
  • Sealed Majestic Leather Mail (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Tunic (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Robe (60%)
  • Sealed Robe of Nightmare (60%)
  • Sealed Majestic Robe (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Stockings (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Shield (60%)
  • Sealed Shield of Nightmare (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Boots (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Boots (60%)
  • Sealed Boots of Nightmare (60%
  • Sealed Majestic Boots (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Gloves (60%)
  • Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare (60%)
  • Sealed Majestic Gauntlets (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Breast Plate (60%)
  • Sealed Tallum Plate Armor (60%)
  • Sealed Armor of Nightmare (60%)
  • Sealed Majestic Plate Armor (60%)
  • Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters (60%)


Fishing King Championship Tournament | Night Fishing | Fisherman’s Potions ]

Fishing King Championship Tournament Event

The Fishing King Championship Tournament event has been added, and gives an award to the person who catches the biggest fish. This event is held at special times and will be announced when it begins.

Night Fishing

Night fishing can be done from 12:00 a.m. to 06:00 a.m. (game time). Game time can be viewed by typing /time.

Luminous Bait is necessary for night fishing and may be purchased through a Fishermen Guild Member. Luminous Bait can only be used at night. When fishing at night and using Luminous Bait, high quality (high-grade) fish will be tempted to bite.

A high-grade fish can use deceptive skills unlike ordinary fish. When a high-grade fish uses its deceptive skills, reeling and pumping must be used in the opposite way in order to reduce the fish’s HP.

Depending on its type, a high-grade fish may reward you with various “Fish Scale” drops. If you collect enough “Fish Scale” of the same type, you may bring them to a Fishermen Guild Member for additional rewards.

Depending on your fishing mastery level, the types of high-grade fish that can be caught and rewarded fish scales will differ.

Fisherman’s Potions

A new item, the “Fisherman’s Potion”, has been added.

Fisherman’s Potion

The Fisherman’s Potion temporarily reduces a player’s fishing mastery level to catch a fish at a desired level. The potion may be purchased from a Fishermen Guild Member.

If the potion's level is higher than the user’s fishing mastery level, the potion has no effect.

The effect of using a Fisherman’s Potion lasts 60 minutes.

Fishing Potion

The Fishing Potion restores a player’s fishing mastery level, which was lowered by the Fisherman’s Potion, back to the previous level.

The Fishing Potion may be purchased from a Fishermen Guild Member.

The Fishing Potion can take effect even though the Fisherman’s Potion was not used previously, therefore please exercise caution when using it.


New Quests | Changes Related to Previous Quests ]

Quests related to clans, Boss Monster Frintezza, clan hall siege wars, and other various topics have been added.

New Quests

Quests Related to Clan Reputation Score


Starting Level





The Clan's Reputation Clan Level 5 Repeat Hunt raid bosses and earn your clan needed reputation points. Town of Aden Sir Eric Rodemai
The Clan's Prestige Clan Level 6 Repeat Hunt raid bosses and earn your clan needed reputation points. Rune Township Grand Magister Valdis

Academy Member Quests


Starting Level





To Lead and Be Led Level 19 Academy Members with Sponsors One-time This quest grants D-grade armor to Academy members if successful. Town of Gludio Blacksmith Pinter
The Leader and the Follower Level 19 Academy Members with Sponsors One-time This quest grants D-grade armor to Academy members if successful. Town of Schuttgart Head Blacksmith Newyear

Clan Hall Capture Quests


Starting Level





A Grand Plan for Taming Wild Beasts Clan level 4 Repeat Have a bestial time taking over the Beast Farm. Beast Pastures Messenger

Access to Frintezza Quests


Starting Level





Last Imperial Prince 74 One-time First entrance quest for Frintezza. Four Sepulchers Nameless Spirit
Journey to a Settlement 74 Repeat Second entrance quest for Frintezza. Four Sepulchers Nameless Spirit

Runaway Quests


Starting Level





Runaway Youth 26 Repeat A randomly spawned NPC grants this quest at hunting grounds. Plunderous Plains Runaway Youth Ivan
Wild Maiden 36 Repeat A randomly spawned NPC grants this quest at hunting grounds. Timak Outpost Wild Maiden Suki
An Aged Ex-Adventurer 46 Repeat A randomly spawned NPC grants this quest at hunting grounds. Outlaw Forest Retired Adventurer Tantan

Other Quests

Quest Starting Level Type Description Start NPC
Walk of Fate 20 One-time This quest guides you to the Crypts of Disgrace from the Orc Village. Orc Village Seer Livina
Ominous News 20 One-time This quest guides you to the Crypts of Disgrace from the Town of Schuttgart. Town of Schuttgart Seer Moira
Grave Robber Annihilation 20 Repeat Crypts of Disgrace hunting quest. Crypts of Disgrace Karuda
Making the Harvest Grounds Safe 21 Repeat Hunt at the Fellmere Harvest Grounds. The Village of Gludin Warehouse Keeper Norman
Ghosts of Batur 23 Repeat Batur tribe shamans try to settle the score in this hunting quest. Crypts of Disgrace Karuda
I’d Rather Be Collecting Fairy Breath 26 Repeat Spend some time collecting the Breath of Sylphs on Windy Hill. Village of Gludin Grocer Galatea
Beyond the Hills of Winter 30 One-time Make a delivery from the Dwarven Village to the Plunderous Plains. Dwarven Village Elder Filaur
A Looter and a Railroad Man 30 Repeat With you on their tail, those bandits are going down! Plunderous Plains Railroad Worker Obi
Aiding the Floran Village 30 Repeat The people of Floran have chosen you to hunt for them. Town of Dion Maria
The Ocean of Distant Stars 39 One-time Abey asks you for a favor. Plunderous Plains Railroad Worker Abey
A Broken Dream 39 Repeat Put the souls to rest that wander the Sky Wagon Relic. Sky Wagon Relic Ghost of a Railroad Engineer
Status of the Beacon Tower 40 One-time A delivery quest that goes from the Town of Schuttgart to the Den of Evil. Town of Schuttgart Seer Moira
Signs of Revolt 40 Repeat Get a reward for hunting at the Den of Evil. Caron's Dungeon Beacon Tower Manager Torrant
Pavel the Giant 46 One-time Travel from the Town of Schuttgart to the Pavel Ruins. Town of Schuttgart Head Blacksmith Newyear
Influx of Machines 46 Repeat Hunt golems at the Pavel Ruins. Pavel Ruins Collector Gutenhagen
Resurrection of an Old Butler 49 One-time Follow the story of the hidden riddles in the Pavel Ruins. Pavel Ruins Collector Yumi
Pavel’s Research 50 One-time Learn about Pavel and stop Dr. Chaos’ maniacal research. Archaic Laboratory Suspicious Stack of Stones
The Other Side of Truth 53 One-time Learn the secret of the Ice Queen’s birth. Ice Merchant Cabin Rafforty
An Ice Merchant's Dream 53 Repeat Make a crystal out of Ice Shards and then gain entrance to the Ice Queen’s Castle. Ice Merchant Cabin Rafforty
In Search of the Nest 66 One-time Search for the Stakato's Nest and examine the dungeons. Swamp of Screams Mercenary Captain Pierce
The Zero Hour 66 Repeat Stakato hunting quest. Swamp of Screams Mercenary Kahman
The Truth Beyond the Gate 73 Repeat Obtain an entrance pass and make a sacrifice at The Pagan Temple. Rune Township Priest Eliyah
Through the Gate Once More 73 Repeat Become a Pagan! Then gain entry to The Pagan Temple as a pagan. Rune Township Priest Flauron
Seekers of the Holy Grail 73 Repeat Destroy the pagans at The Pagan Temple. Rune Township High Priest Innocentin
Guardians of the Holy Grail 73 Repeat Defile the monks at the Monastery of Silence. Rune Township Priest Dominic

Changes Related to Previous Quests

The way that NPCs have exclamation points over their heads as a way of giving quest information has changed.

Exclamation points used to be shown for low-level quests even to higher level players regardless of the recommended level for conducting the quest. The exclamation point will now only be shown when a player is at the suitable level and condition to take on the quest. Generally, an orange-colored exclamation point will be displayed for a quest that fits the recommended level, but quests that can be conducted regardless of clan, pet, or recommended level will display a sky-blue exclamation point.

Exclamation points for quests are now distinguished in two ways.

  • Orange Exclamation Point: Ordinary quests, class transfer quests, etc.
  • Sky-blue Exclamation Point: Clan quests, pet quests, etc.

The quests below have changes in their content and rewards:

Gather the Flames

  • NPCs who start the quest and settle accounts have been added. (The previous NPCs still give quests and rewards.) Blacksmith Hilda of the Town of Goddard may now give out this quest.
  • Players may now select and receive S-grade weapon recipes from the wandering NPC, Rooney the Blacksmith of Wind, in the Forge of the Gods. (The existing NPC, Vulcan, now awards an S-grade weapon recipe.)

Enhance Your Weapon

  • Raid monsters that can absorb souls with stage 11 and 12 Soul Crystals have been added.
  • Added monsters are as follows: Beast Lord Behemoth, Roaring Skylancer, Meanas Anor, Eilhalder von Hellmann, Crokian Padisha Sobekk, and Antharas Priest Cloe.
  • Unlike the previous soul absorbing method based on a one-party unit, the added monsters provide a Soul Crystal to only one party member at a certain rate among the party members who struck them last.
  • Raid monsters that can absorb souls with grade 13 Soul Crystals have been added. The added raid monster is “Scarlet van Halisha”. Just like the previous soul absorbing method based on a one-party unit, the added monster provides a Soul Crystal to the party whose member struck it last.

Coins of Magic

  • A list of monsters that drop coins has been added.
  • The quest has been changed to a party-type; therefore all party members who are conducting the quest may gain coins.

Fate's Whisper

  • New B-Grade weapons have been added to the list of trade-in weapons (Guardian Sword, Wizard’s Tear, Star Buster, Kaim Vanul’s Bones).
  • A-Grade weapon rewards have been added (Spiritual Eye, Infernal Master, Destroyer Hammer).

Kail's Magic Coin

  • A-Grade weapon recipes have been added to the rewards list. The newly-added weapons to Chronicle 5 are as follows:

Recipe: Flaming Dragon Skull (60%) Recipe: Doom Crusher (60%) Recipe: Infernal Master (60%) Recipe: Spritual Eye (60%) Recipe: Destroyer Hammer (60%)

Stolen Dignity

  • A-Grade weapon materials have been added to the rewards list. The newly-added weapon materials to Chronicle 5 are as follows:

Infernal Master Blade Spiritual Eye Piece Flaming Dragon Skull Piece Doom Crusher Head Destroyer Hammer Piece

First Class Transfer Quests for Orcs and Dwarves

  • The Schuttgart Territory has been added as a part of the first class transfer quest for Orcs and Dwarves.

Eggs and Specialty Liquor Deliveries

  • Reward-giving NPCs have been changed.

Egg Delivery: The Town of Goddard’s Brewer Valentine Specialty Liquor Delivery: The Town of Goddard’s Warehouse Keeper Lietta


Item Purchase and Exchange | Compass | Shortcut Window | Multiparty Command Interface | Party Matching | Other Changes ]

Item Purchase and Exchange

Item purchase and trade functions have been improved.

The other player's character name and clan name are now displayed in the exchange and trade window and the private store sell/buy window.

When confirming an exchange, the trade window is deactivated to clearly display when the exchange is ready.

The color of the letters and the amount of the “Manufacturing Cost” is displayed differently in the Dwarf Manufacture window to clearly show the trading amount.

When placing an item in the trading window while trading and exchanging an item, the weight gauge now displays the weight of the item in the lower right-hand corner of the window.


The compass function has been improved. The current position of your character is now displayed in color.

Compass colors, by area, are as follows:

  • Gray: General fields, forbidden areas (Seven Signs area, Four Sepulchers)
  • Blue: Peaceful Zone
  • Red: Altered Zone (A harmful buff or normal buff is applied in this area.)
  • Orange: Siege War Zone
  • Green: PvP Arena

Shortcut Window

The Shortcut window lock function has been added. When the shortcut window is locked, shortcuts cannot be added, moved, or deleted.

This setting may be changed by clicking on the lock icon located at the bottom of the shortcut window.

Multiparty Command Interface

The conditions for opening a command channel have been changed so that clan members who are not clan leaders may open the command channel when the clan skill “Clan Imperium” is activated.

A function that teleports all party members of a command channel at the same time when they enter into the area for a boss war has been added.

In a boss war (Antharas, Valakas, Baium), the party with a pre-designated command channel leader and has satisfied all other conditions will be bestowed the rights to pick up items for a certain period of time.

The conditions to gain item priority rights are as follows:

  • Antharas - When the leader of command channel with 255 members or more teleports.
  • Valakas - When the leader of command channel with 99 members or more teleports.
  • Baium - When the leader of command channel with 54 members or more awakes Baium.

Party Matching

The size of the chat window in the party room has expanded.

The character list window has been enhanced to include whisper and invite functions when used in conjunction with the party matching window.

Other Changes

A quantity of items may now be moved all at once by holding down the Alt key and dragging them at the same time.

The current Announcement is now displayed in the system message window.

A “Find Private Store” button has been added to the Action Window.

Pet type is now displayed in the Target Window under detailed information.

The problem with enchanted items not being displayed properly in the pet’s inventory has been resolved.

The game pad shortcut window has been improved.

The item tool tip regarding items and how to use their effects has been enhanced.

The Cloak slot has been removed from inventory; instead there are now two head accessory slots.

The resurrection window will no longer disappear when a dead character presses the Enter key while the resurrection confirmation window is open.

The looting time for boss monsters’ drops has been increased from 15 seconds to 5 minutes, therefore characters or parties that didn’t contribute at all to the battle cannot acquire any items for 5 minutes.

Castles and Clan Halls

New Castles and Clan Halls | Wild Beast Reserve | Fortress of the Dead | Rainbow Springs Chateau ]

Rune Castle and Schuttgart Castle

Rune Castle and Schuttgart Castle have been added to the Rune Territory and Schuttgart Territory respectively.

Rune Castle is a royal castle like Aden Castle, and it receives a tribute from Goddard Castle and Schuttgart Castle.

New Clan Halls in Rune and Schuttgart

Seven contracted clan halls have been added to the Rune Township and four contracted clan halls have been added to the Town of Schuttgart.

The clan halls in the Rune Township are A-Grade clan halls; the clan halls in the Town of Schuttgart are B-Grade clan halls.

Wild Beast Reserve

The Wild Beast Reserve is north of the Beast Farm and similar to the Bandit Stronghold’s clan hall battle system; it is a contested hideout. The clan must be level 4 or higher to participate.

Only the first five clans to arrive may participate in the contest after qualifying (A Grand Plan for Taming Wild Beasts quest) and speaking to a messenger NPC at the entrance of the Wild Beast Reserve.

The A Grand Plan for Taming Wild Beasts quest may only last for one hour prior to the start of the clan hall war.

Clan members who want to participate in the contest have to register with the messenger NPC and have a maximum of 18 members participate.

When a player dies during a clan hall war, he/she is resurrected at the restart point and must return to the battlefield through a gatekeeper who is in that area.

There are monsters only found in the Wild Beast Reserve, and they are easier to tame than the ones in the Beast Farm.

Fortress of the Dead

The Fortress of the Dead is located southeast of the Rune Township and is a contested hideout similar to the siege style of the Devastated Castle clan hall. It is of the highest grade among all contested clan halls.

Only a clan level 4 or higher may participate.

Siege registration is open up to two hours before a war and is scheduled through the messenger NPC outside of the clan hall.

The siege war follows the same rules as Devastated Castle. The siege war goes on for one hour, and the clan that contributes the most to killing Lidia von Hellmann takes possession of the clan hall. If the followers of Lidia von Hellmann, Alfred von Hellmann, and Giselle von Hellmann are killed, the clan hall war will be a lot easier.

The siege war ends upon the death of Lidia von Hellmann; just as in Devastated Castle, and if there is no clan that has killed the applicable NPC, the clan hall is under the NPC’s possession until the next siege war.

The clan that owned the clan hall previously will be automatically registered in the next clan hall war.

The possessing clan hall leader can ride on a wyvern.

Rainbow Springs Chateau

Rainbow Springs Chateau is located north of the Hot Springs area. A new style of siege war has been applied to it, which is different from previous contested clan hall war styles.

In order to own the clan hall, winning is decided through a mini-game. Only a clan level 3 or higher is allowed to participate and the maximum number of clans is four. Participants may have 5 or more member in their party.

How to Participate

A clan leader in possession of a “Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree” may register to participate through a messenger NPC up to one hour before the contest begins. The top four clans, owning the highest number of Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees amongst them, will be chosen to compete and their clan leaders notified through a system message.

Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees may be obtained by fishing in the Hot Springs area of Goddard. However, a player must use Hot Springs Bait for fishing bait.

If a participating clan requests disorganization in the middle of a siege war registration period, the siege war participation registration is automatically cancelled. However, the certificates are not returned at this time.

A participating clan may cancel its participation up until the end of the registration period. If this happens, the clan will only get back half of their submitted certificates.

The clan that owns the Rainbow Springs Chateau is automatically registered for the next contest. In this case, the top three clans, owning the highest number of Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decrees amongst them, will be chosen to compete.

Battle Method

A Rainbow Springs Chateau siege war is held at the east arena of Rainbow Springs.

After clans are selected to compete, the contest is comprised of a one-hour waiting period, a contest time of 58 minutes, and an end time of 2 minutes.

Registered clans must organize one party with five or more members, with their clan leader as the party leader. The party must move to the arena before the siege war starts and enter the arena through the Caretaker. The surrounding area of the arena is a Peaceful Zone.

Participating clans enter into different game fields respectively and through the Caretaker.

Upon entering the arena, all buffs that are active on all participating characters will be removed, and summoned pet/servitors will disappear and cannot be summoned back into the arena.

Once the contest begins, a Hot Springs Yeti and a Hot Springs Gourd appear in the center of the arena and treasure chests appear randomly throughout the arena.

The Hot Springs Yeti announces the game rules and helps guide players.

All of the Hot Springs Yeti’s shouts may be collected and then exchanged with/for various Hot Springs items. Text exchange or Hot Springs item use is only available to the clan leader and clan members.

Participants can break the spawned treasure chests in the arena and can acquire text passages. Text items cannot be exchanged; therefore to give them to other characters, they should be dropped first and then picked up.

Treasure Chests can only be damaged with your bare hands, however Mimics can be attacked with P. Atk and M. Atk.

When using Hot Springs Nectar, an Enraged Yeti is spawned at certain intervals and interrupts the game. The Enraged Yeti can be attacked with P. Atk. and M. Atk.

The Hot Springs items may be used when the Hot Springs Yeti is a target, and they can reduce the HP of the gourd, cast debuff on other teams, change the gourd, or recover.

The team that first destroys the Hot Springs Gourd wins the game. All the participants are then teleported outside of the arena after a 2-minute delay.

At the end of the game, a manager NPC appears and cleans the arena by picking up all the item drops.

The game continues even if the server goes down in the middle of the mini-game.

Changes to Castle Sieges

Sieging Rune Castle

The siege boss monster, Benom, has been added to Rune Castle’s underground prison.

Benom appears in the castle dungeon 24 hours before a siege war. The defending side can teleport to the dungeon and raid the monster until a siege begins.

If the defending side still hasn’t caught Benom before the siege war begins, Benom will appear near the throne in the inner castle when two or more Life Control Towers are destroyed in the middle of a siege. Benom will attack both the defending and attacking sides.

Other Changes

Due to the addition of the Rune and Schuttgart Castles, up to five sieges may now be waged at once.

Siege function administration is now only available during the Seven Signs seal validation period.

The Seven Signs

When a player from the winning side of the previous period tries to join the same group through a priest, the previously-deposited Seal Stones are automatically settled as Ancient Adena. By doing this, even though the player from the winning side joins the same group in the next competition period, the previous Seal Stones score will not accumulate.

During the seal validation period, the defeated side and players who have not rejoined may now enter the Dimensional Rift through the Gate Keeper Ziggurat at the entrance of the Seven Signs common dungeons. An amount of Adena must be paid.

When attempting to join a group through a priest during a competition period and if the player’s inventory weight/quantity is at 80% and above, he/she cannot join.

The Manor System

With the addition of Rune Castle and Schuttgart Castle, a Manor System will apply to the Rune, Orc, and Dwarf areas.

Pets and Servitors

Previously, when a master was away from the point where a servitor killed a monster, other party members could still acquire the experience points that the servitor’s master was supposed to take. This problem has now been resolved.

An issue with experience point penalties, based on the level differences between party members, not being applied has been corrected.

Some servitors’ abilities have been changed slightly. Their fighting power remains similar to Chronicle 4.

When other players target a servitor, the servitor’s HP gauge can now be viewed.

When a servitor attacks a player, it receives a certain damage (P. Atk./ M. Atk.) penalty. (This penalty is not applied to monster hunting.)

Some servitors’ consumption rate of Beast Soulshots has been changed.

A servitor cannot be un-summoned in the middle of combat. (In Chronicle 4, it was impossible to summon but it was possible to un-summon the servitor.)

When riding on a Strider, potion and scroll effect buffs will no longer disappear.

Three tamable monsters, located within the Beast Farm clan hall, have been added: Tiny Baby Cougar, Tiny Baby Buffalo, Tiny Baby Kookaburra. Inside of a clan hall, monsters may be tamed with Golden Spice.

Little Harness has been added as Baby Pet armor. The Little Harness can be worn by Baby Pets (Baby Cougar, Baby Kookaburra, and Baby Buffalo) and can be purchased from Pet Managers in each town.

Other Changes

The game updater has a new look.

Snow or rain may appear in the Rune or Schuttgart territories. Weather Effects can be turned off in the Video Options.

When entering the game’s “no fly zone” while on a Wyvern, such as the Lair of Valakas, a warning message will be displayed. After a period of time, your character will die if you remain in this area while flying.

In the Game Option menu, GPU Animation and Overall Sound Mute functions have been added.

Old mail (over 90 days) in game will now be automatically deleted when the server restarts. However, restored mails in your inbox will continue to be maintained.

If a player is disconnected or restarts while in battle with Antharas, Zaken, Baium, Anakim, Lilith, Valakas, or Frintezza their character will be transported to the nearest town.  If the player disconnection is caused by a server crash, the player will not be returned to town upon login if they reconnect within 30 minutes.

Text Corrections

Various text corrections have been made.

Skill Name Changes

  • Hate Aura is now named Aura of Hate.
  • Focus Sonic is now named Sonic Focus.
  • Force Rage is now named Raging Force.
  • Focus Force is now named Focused Force.
  • Totem Spirit Wolf is now named Wolf Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit Bear is now named Bear Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit Puma is now named Puma Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit Ogre is now named Ogre Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit Rabbit is now named Rabbit Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit Bison is now named Bison Spirit Totem.
  • Totem Spirit of Ogre is now named Ogre Spirit Totem.


  • Plains of Fierce Battle are now called the War-Torn Plains.
  • Looting Area of Evil Spirits is now known as the Evil Hunting Grounds.
  • Fellemere Harvest Grounds have changed slightly to Fellemere Harvesting Grounds.
  • The Ascetics Necropolis is now called the Necropolis of Devotion.
  • The Martyrs Necropolis is now known as the Necropolis of Martyrdom.
  • The Monster Derby Track is now the Monster Race Track.
  • The Partisan Hideaway is now known as the Fortress of Resistance.
  • Due to popular demand, the owners of the Prestigious Items Hall have renamed the store to Luxury Shop.

Other Text Changes

  • The monster Wild Desperado is now called Gigantiops.
  • The monster Wild Desperado Cohort is now called Young Gigantiops.
  • The monster Holy Land Monk is now called Hallowed Monk.
  • The monster Holy Land Watchman is now called Hallowed Watchman.
  • The monster Holy Land Seer is now called Hallowed Seer.
  • The monster Holy Land Overlord is now called Overlord of the Holy Lands.
  • The monster Holy Land Priest is now called Hallowed Priest.
  • The item Key of Treasure Chest is now called Treasure Chest Key.
  • The item Key of Thief is now called Thief Key.
  • The special ability (and new Chronicle 5 skill) Might Mortal is now called Mortal Strike.
  • The item Proof of Blood is now named Blood Mark.
  • The item Proof of Alliance is now named Alliance Manifesto.
  • The item Proof of Aspiration is now named Seal of Aspiration.
  • The god Paagrio has declared that henceforth he shall be known as Pa’agrio.