Subclass Certification Skills High Five Final - Guide and Info
Skills list
Class-Specific skills
Divine transformation skills
You can learn new skills on your main class according to the subclasses you have.
Subclass certifications which are needed to learn these skills
can be acquired from one of theAvant-GardeNPCs on the 2nd floor (Human floor) in Ivory Tower. In order to be able to acquire certifications you must first complete the quest
More Than Meets The Eye which can be taken from Hardin at Hardin's Private Academy.
There are a maximum of 4 skills available per subclass, which means you can have a total of
12 subclass skills once you have all 3 of your subclasses leveled up to 80. The different certifications can be acquired
once you have reached these levels on your subclasses:
65 level on your subclass- a Emergent skill certificate
70 level on your subclass- another Emergent skill certificate
75 level on your subclass- you have a choice between a Class-Specific or a Master skill certificate
80 level on your subclass- a Divine Transformation certificate
Removing and resetting subclass skills
Deleting a subclass to reroll a new one will not erase the subclass skills you've already learned, but you won't be able to
learn additional skills from your new subclass for the levels you've already acquired certificates. E.g., you have learned two Emergent
skills from the 65 and 70 levels of your subclass respectively, then you reroll a new subclass, but you can't acquire certificates for level
65 and 70 of the new subclass unless you erase your previous subskills.
You can only remove all subskills from all subclasses on your main class.
This is done by paying 10 million adena to Avant-Guarde NPC. You cannot chose which subskills to remove.
Certificates in your inventory that you haven't used up yet are also deleted when you pay 10 million adena to erase your subclass skills.
Subclass categories
Subclasses are categorized broadly as Warrior, Rogue, Knight, Summoner, Wizard, Healer and Enchanter.
The Class-Specific and Divine Transformation subclass skills available to you through certification depend on the categories of your subclasses, as follows:
What follows is a complete list of available skills, with exact effects and
bonuses (some not confirmed).
Emergent Ability skills
These skills are avaialable regardless of the category your subclass falls to.
These skills can be stacked up, with maximum of level 6 if you
chose to learn the same skill from
both 65 and 70 certificates for each of your 3 subclasses. E.g., you get 6 Emergent Ability certificates
from all your subs
and use all of them to learn the Physical Defense skill. In the end you get Lv6 of the Physical Defense
You receive a seal book of transformation instead of
certificate for these skills. You can learn them via the transformation menu on the Avant-Garde NPC
Divine Transformations, although more sophisticated,
follow the rules for regular transformations. This means you cannot use your regular class skills,
your subclass skills remain active, your stats are determined by your equipment and the class type of the Divine
Transformation in use.
Reuse time, Sacrifice Skill and Transformation level
Each Divine Transformation lasts 30 minutes and has a cooldown/reuse time of 3 hours.
Each Divine Transformation has its specific Sacrifice Skill.
All sacrifice skills bring your HP and MP down to zero for a certain amount of time during
which you can't be healed through skills or potions. The Sacrifice Skill usage conditions depend on the type of
subclass: Fighter-type subclasses - 30% or lower HP; Mystic-type subclasses - 10% or lower MP.
Each transformation
can be learned up to level 3 if you happen to have more than one subclass of the same type. E.g., if you have
2 Warrior-type subclasses and they've reached level 80, you can learn Warrior Divine Transformation level 2. If
you have 3, the transformation learned would be level 3
Divine Transformations and their respective skills
What follows is a list of all Divine Transformations, along with their specific
Divine {{category}} Transform to Divine {{category}}.