{{ }}  {{ item.title }}
{{ ['none', 'crystal_free'].includes(item.crystal_type) ? "NG" : item.crystal_type.toUpperCase() }}
{{}}  Lv. {{skill.level}}
Monsters & NPC
{{}}   - {{monster.title}} Lv. {{monster.level}}
{{isNpc(monster) ? 'NPC' : 'Monster'}}
{{quest.title}}  {{quest.location}}
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Lineage 2 C1 Patch Notes

New Territories

Aden Territory

A wide range of areas has been added with Aden Territory, including Aden Castle, Aden Castle Town, Cave of Giants, Angel Waterfall, Forest of Mirrors, Cemetery of Kings and Sealing of Shilen. These areas are designed for high-level adventurers and those less experienced travelers would be well advised to hunt elsewhere.

Aden Castle

As the largest castle in all of Aden, Aden Castle is supported by pillars, surrounded by a large outer area that contains the castle and town. The size, scale and grandeur of the castle is the largest in the continent, known far and wide as an extremely well-protected stronghold.

Town of Aden

Built within the large outer walls of Aden Castle, the scale and splendor of the incomparable town of Aden matches its position as the capital city of the kingdom.

Cave of Giants

In mythical times, the giants avoided the wrath of Einhasad’s cold eyes, fleeing into the caves of the lost high plateau. With the passing of time, the giants degenerated gradually, until they found themselves controlled by the mechanical devices they had themselves created. Those unfortunate giants that were absorbed by the machines lost the dignity of a high race and descended to the status of pitiful creatures. Although these giants had greatly degenerated, their large, strong bodies still made them creatures feared by Humans.

Angel Waterfall

When the lost high plateau was formed by the power of Gran Kain, the originally small waterfalls reached thousands of meters in height due to rapid topographical changes. The citizens of Aden, awed by the majestic waterfalls, believed they were built by the power of the angels and named them Angel Waterfalls.

Forest of Mirrors

The Forest of Mirrors is where Doppelgangers, creatures of Shilen, are found. These beings, also known as the dark children of mirror, have the ability to appear in the image of the other races, such as Humans and Elves. Because they merely imitate other beings and exist without an identity of their own, Doppelgangers have only hostile feelings for other races.

Cemetery of Kings

The Cemetery of Kings is where the royalty of the Elmoreden Empire were buried. Even today, high royalty and saints are still enshrined in this place when they die. King Raul, who unified the Aden Kingdom and his son Travis are also buried here. Due to frequent wars and invasions, care of the cemetery has been neglected and grave robbery has become prevalent.

Sealing of Shilen

According to legend, the Temple of Shilen marks the place where the goddess of Shilen, banished from paradise, gave birth to dragons and evil beings. She eventually became the goddess of death herself. Shunaiman, the first emperor of the Elmoreden Empire, left the temple of Shilen for the land of Humans. Over the years, he organized a vast force to block the creatures from wreaking death and destruction in the temple of Shilen. Many evil forces gather to collect the dark magic flowing from the temple of Shilen, making this a very dangerous place.

Blazing Swamp

This was originally an ordinary swamp until the arrival of the fire wizard Manak, who experimented on beings living in the area, filling it with evil mutant beings of fire. This area now known as the cursed swamp of flames is only approached by those who want to test their bravery.

Tower of Insolence

Baium was an emperor of the Elmoreden Empire who became obsessed with the desire to attain the power of the gods. He mobilized his forces to build an Eternal Tower, resolving to reach the gods in the heavens above. Einhasad became angered at the arrogance of Humans. She cursed the engineers and Wizards with deadly disease and condemned Baium to immortality, locked away at the top of the tower, where he was forced to observe the destruction of his empire for hundreds of years. In the end, Baium went insane and slowly transformed into a monster. This tower became known as the Tower of Insolence and was sealed tightly from the populous.

Giran Region

Lair of Antharas

After Antharas was defeated in the war with the gods, he sought sanctuary in this cave, where he yet resides. It is in this very dangerous place where Antharas has regained his enormous power.

Hardin’s Academy

Great Wizard Hardin trains students and carries out his personal research activities in this former hiding place of Lich King Icarus. Hardin defeated Icarus in one-on-one battle and procured the facility for his own laboratory.

Giran Harbor

Many boats now commute between Talking Island and Giran Harbor, which is the leading trade port on the continent.

A dueling area has been added to the Giran territory. In the dueling area, there are no PK or PvP penalties.


Bandit Stronghold

During the long war between Oren and Elmore, many prisoners and deserters engaged in banditry. United under a charismatic leader, this group of outlaws became feared throughout all of Oren.


  • A dueling area has been added to the Gludio territory. In the dueling area, there are no PK or PvP penalties.
  • The Queen Ant’s lair has been changed so the guardian ants are no longer trapped inside.

In addition, the buildings in the Dwarven Village have been partially modified.

Castle Siege

Castle Siege Basics

Siege Qualifications:

Any clan of level four or higher may normally participate in a siege.

Clans below level four and clan-less players may also participate, but they cannot own a castle.

Siege Locations:

Castle Sieges can take place at five castles:

  • Gludio
  • Dion
  • Giran
  • Oren
  • Aden

Default Castle State:

Initially, NPC clans occupy all castles.

A PC clan that defeats an NPC clan in battle and occupies the castle becomes the first owner of that castle, other clans may attempt to claim the castle from the initial PC clan if there is still time in the siege period.

The victorious clan leader must designate the next siege period within twenty-four hours of becoming the castle lord. If the castle lord fails to designate a siege period, the standard siege period is automatically applied.

The castle also returns to its default state (of being owned by NPCs) if the clan controlling the castle is dissolved.

Siege Period:

Only the castle lord may select a siege period through the messenger NPC in front of the castle.

Once set, siege times cannot be changed.

The new castle lord must designate the next siege period within twenty-four hours of occupation. Failure to select a siege period will result in the automatic setting of the siege period two weeks later.

The castle can only be damaged during castle siege periods.

A clan that has occupied a castle may possess the castle for up to two weeks.

At the time of a scheduled siege, a system message is sent to everyone in the Lineage II world.

Siege Preparations

Siege Participation Registration:

  • Clans that wish to participate in a siege for a chance to occupy the castle must register for siege participation.
  • Only clans may participate in sieges and only the clan leader may request registration. However, registration is not possible until the castle lord has designated a siege period.
  • Siege participation registration is closed twenty-four hours before the start of the siege.
  • Players may request participation through the Messenger NPC outside the castle and the Chamberlain NPC inside the castle. Cancellation of registration may also be done through these NPCs.

Attacker Registration:

  • The clan leader must have a clan of level 4 or higher to participate in a siege.
  • Select Register for Siege Attacker from the NPC menu to be added to the attacker list after undergoing a simple confirmation process.

Defender Registration:

  • All clans wishing to defend the castle must register.
  • Like the attacker clans, the skill Siege Participation Possible is required.
  • To participate as a defender in a siege, select Request Siege Defender Registration from the NPC menu (the castle lord must later approve participation).
  • The castle lord has up to twenty-four hours before the start of the siege to review and approve the defender’s list. Adjustments may also be made within this period.
  • The clan occupying the castle automatically becomes registered on the siege defender list, even if it does not register itself, and cannot be removed from the list.

Mercenary System:

Types of Mercenaries:

  • Sword Mercenary
  • Spear Mercenary
  • Bow Mercenary
  • Healer
  • Mage

The castle lord can hire the NPC mercenaries necessary for the defense of the castle and deploy them to the appropriate locations.

The castle lord can hire the types of mercenaries needed through the mercenary chief NPC located in the castle.

The castle lord can also set NPCs to defend a specific location or be mobile.

Purchase and Placement of Mercenaries:

  • The castle lord may purchase mercenary tokens from the chief mercenary NPC. Mercenary tokens are specific to each castle, as the castle name and type of mercenary is indicated in the item’s tool tip. These tokens cannot be traded and only the castle owner may purchase them. If they are not used right away, they may be saved for later use.
  • Mercenary tokens can be placed around the castle. They may be seen by anyone, but can only be picked up by the castle lord.
  • Only one mercenary token may be placed in the same immediate area.
  • The direction the castle lord is facing when placing mercenary tokens will be the same direction the NPC faces.
  • Mercenary tokens that are placed will not disappear after a server goes down.
  • When the siege begins, these tokens change to mercenary NPCs.

Siege Rules and Related Systems

Beginning of the Siege:

  • A castle siege begins when the designated period is reached.
  • The castle siege time is two hours, which does not include any server downtime during the siege period.
  • The area inside and around the castle is designated as the battlefield. A number of NPCs in the village closest to the castle suspend their functions during the siege.
  • During a castle siege, players are unable to respawn at the castle’s associated village. Instead, they must respawn at the next closest village.
  • When the siege begins, all characters within the castle that are not listed on the defender’s list will be transported to the second closest village.
  • The outer castle walls are automatically shut.

Siege Rules:

During a siege, participants are divided into attacker, defender, or not on the list. According to their status, they are sorted into allies, enemies, or neutral. These relationships may change as the siege progresses.

  • Defenders and attackers are enemies.
  • Members of the same alliance and same clan are allies.
  • Clans that are not part of an alliance or players not belonging to a clan are neutral.
  • When attacking enemies or neutral characters, automatic attack is possible, but attacking allies requires a forced attack (using the Ctrl key).
  • Defenders are designated by a shield symbol and attackers are designated by a sword symbol above their clan’s symbol. The background color of the mark is either red or white, depending on whether a character is an enemy or ally.
  • PK count and karma penalties are not applied on the battlefield. A character does not become chaotic for killing another PC.
  • If an enemy steps out of the boundaries of the battlefield, the siege status is still maintained and there are no PK penalties.
  • A neutral character who steps outside the battlefield receives a purple status for ten seconds.
  • During a siege, the experience penalty for death has been reduced by seventy-five percent. In addition, characters do not drop items when they die.

Castle Gates:

  • The castle lord may open and close the castle gates. The number of castle gates depends on the size and structure of the castle.
  • The castle gates have HP and it is only possible to attack them during a siege.
  • It is not possible to buff, debuff or heal castle gates.
  • Once destroyed, castle gates cannot be repaired during the siege.
  • New castle gates are raised when the castle ownership changes, but only at fifty percent the standard amount of HP, while a siege is still active.

Siege Headquarters:

  • The attacking clan leader can build a headquarters within a certain area using the build headquarters skill.
  • Build headquarters is a skill that can be used only once per siege period and disappears automatically when the siege is over.
  • A headquarters allows clan members to restart at the headquarter flag location instead of the second closest village during a siege. Every attacking clan leader must build their own headquarters to gain the benefits, even if allied with other clans.
  • A headquarters has a certain amount of HP. It is destroyed when its HP is gone. Like castle gates, headquarters cannot be buffed or debuffed, nor can their HP be recovered.
  • The clan that loses its camp must restart at the second closest village when returning home or dying.
  • Clan members who possess a headquarters can regenerate their HP and MP quickly when near their flag.
  • When the clan leader builds a headquarters, it consumes a certain amount of MP, along with 300 C-grade gemstones.

The Castle Grounds:

  • The members of the defending clans will restart inside the castle upon death.
  • After restarting, there is a thirty-second waiting period before characters can return to the battlefield.
  • Life crystals determine the return waiting period for defenders. If all three life crystals in a castle are destroyed, defenders are teleported every eight minutes, instead of every thirty seconds.

Conditions for Victory

  • A holy relic resides in a certain location inside the castle.
  • When the attacking clan leader interacts with the holy relic for a set period of time, the holy relic acknowledges the player as the new castle lord.
  • Only the clan leader may interact with the holy relic.
  • If attacked while interacting with the holy relic, this period will be restarted.
  • Clan leaders allied with the defender may not interact with the holy relic.
Castle image 1 Castle image 2

Mid Victory

  • If the attacking side succeeds at communing with the holy relic, the attacking and defending sides switch places.
  • Everything that belonged to the clan that held the castle, including the restart point, is now transferred to the new defending clan, whose former encampment automatically disappears.
  • All PCs other than the clan that just took the castle are removed to their respective restarting points.
  • Clans that were allied with the clan that just took the castle are automatically transferred to the defending side. However, those that were not registered for the siege are all kicked out.
  • The clan that lost the castle during the siege is now able to build an encampment on the battlefield.

Exceptions to the Rules

Server and NPC Server Down:

  • If the server goes down during a siege, the server will restart at the same point in the siege as when the server went down.
  • The defending NPC and castle gate HP, encampment HP and character locations are all restarted at the same point as when the server went down.
  • For a short period after a server goes down, no characters will be able to move, attack, recover HP, enter or exit the battlefield. After this freeze period, the siege will resume and everything will return to the same point as before the server went down.

Client Forced Quit:

  • While in battle, the player remains in the game for fifteen seconds and will continue to attack their target during that period, also vulnerable to attacks themselves.

Castle Structure and Taxation


  • In the Lineage II world, the castle is the one structure in each territory where taxes are received, government matters are administrated and the economy is managed.
  • The castle lord may set taxes levied on the NPC stores in territory the castle controls by talking to the Chamberlain located within the castle.
  • Since Aden Kingdom is the central power for all of the territories, Aden Castle collects taxes from Gludio Castle, Oren Castle, Giran Castle and Dion Castle, in addition to taxes earned in the Aden territory.
  • When a castle is taken, much like a clan hall, the castle lord gains exclusive use of a treasury and a gatekeeper to teleport in and out of the castle.

Structure of Gludio, Dion, Oren and Giran Castles

  • There is one outer castle gate and one inner castle gate.
  • The internal living area of the inner castle is the restarting point for the defending clan.
  • The holy relic is located in the inner castle.
  • The defenders may exit the castle during the siege period, but no characters may enter the castle until the gates are destroyed.

Structure of Aden Castle

  • Aden Castle has two outer walls that must be breached before reaching the castle itself.
  • There is only a front entrance to the outermost wall, but there is more than one possible entrance to the next outer wall.
  • The area between the first and second outer walls is affected by the fire control tower.
  • Other than the above, Aden Castle is similar to the other castles.
  • When defending Aden Castle, the Chamberlain may be used to place traps that continuously decrease HP or slow zone traps that reduce movement speed and strength.
  • The flame control towers can be destroyed.

New Skills

Skill Description Class Level Required
[Summon Siege Golem] [Summons a siege golem] Can summon a siege golem, only during sieges. Costs 300 C-grade crystals to summon and 60 C-grade gemstones/minute to maintain. Warsmith 49
[Hurricane Assault] [Unleashes a flurry of continuous attacks on an enemy. Can be used when wielding duel weapons. Requires charging prior to use.] Monk 36
[Mass Resurrection] [Resurrects clan members] Resurrects nearby clan members. The higher the skill, the more experience points are recovered. Bishop 44
[Party Recall] [Teleports party members to village] Teleports nearby party members to town. The higher the level, the shorter the casting time. Elven Elder 48
[Heart of Paagrio] [Quickly recovers the HP of clan members] Increases the HP recovery rate of nearby clan members. Overlord 44
[Decrease Weight] [Lessens the effect of carrying items] The weight penalties are adjusted. Elven Oracle 35
[Provoke] Draws in monsters from one's large surrounding area. Warlord 43
[Lion Heart] Reduces the probability rate of falling into a state of paralysis, hold, sleep, or shock. Warrior/ Orc Raider 36
[Guard Stance] Increases P. Def. and shield defense rate (MP will continue to be consumed). Temple Knight 43
[Life Leech] Absorbs enemy's HP. Shillien Knight 40
[Mana Regeneration] Increases MP recovery speed (consumes seven runestones). Spellsinger 40
[Pact of Paagrio] Temporarily makes clan members go into the state of berserk. Overlord 40
[Transfer Pain] Transfers partial damage to a servitor (MP will continue to be consumed). Warlock/ Necromancer/ Elemental Summoner/ Phantom Summoner 56
[Curse Gloom] Reduces an enemy's M. Def. Necromancer 52
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Game Rules and Updates

  • Expertise skills and other similar skills that are learned automatically will disappear when the player's level goes below the minimum level for that skill. Of course, the skill is recovered once the player again reaches the level at which the skill is learned.
  • Due to play balance between naturally fast and slow moving characters, the following skills now add a fixed amount of speed to player movement, regardless of natural speed: Wind Walk, Sprint, Servitor Haste, Quick Step and Song of Wind. The effect is similar to that of speed potions used to increase speed.
  • The effect of stun has been lengthened from five to eight seconds. However, if the player is attacked while stunned, the stun effect may be removed.
  • With some dagger skills, the chance of striking a target is now more successful from behind than from all other angles. To preserve play balance, the MP cost for these skills is now reduced.
  • Mystics' casting ranges for the following spells have been increased by approximately twenty-five percent: Aqua Swirl, Twister, Blaze and Frost Flame.
  • Casting ranges for the following spells used by high-level spell casters have been increased by approximately fifty percent: Death Spike, Prominence, Vampiric Claw, Hydro Blast, Frost Bolt, Ice Dagger, Hurricane, Freezing Flame, Steal Essence.
  • Purple and chaotic players can no longer use specific skills to cause damage in non-PVP enabled areas, such as towns.
  • Players now become purple when using the Spinning Slash or Thunderstorm skills on purple characters.
  • Lightning Strike is now properly categorized as a magical skill instead of physical.
  • Players now receive a message when the Curse Discord spell succeeds. No message appears when it fails.
  • Players no longer receive a message that the Corpse Plague skill failed when it has succeeded.
  • For a certain amount of time, a player (or their party) is now given priority when using Search after successfully casting Spoil on a monster.
  • Search is now properly applied after using Spoil successfully on two monsters.
  • The animations for the following skills are now enhanced: Deadly Blow, Iron Punch, Cripple, Stunning Fist, Soul Breaker, Force Storm, Force Blaster, Burning Fist, Hurricane Assault, Force Buster, Song-type magic, Dance-type magic, Fake Death.
  • The graphical effects for the following skills are now enhanced: Frozen Shackles, Hydro Blast, Aura Flare, Shield Stun, Triple Sonic Slash, Double Sonic Slash, Sonic Blaster, Sonic Storm, Heart of Paagrio, Blessing of Paagrio, Shield Chant, Soul Shield, Fire Chant, Glory of Paagrio, Shield of Paagrio, Chant of Evasion, Silence
  • The twentieth buff effect is now always displayed properly in the user interface.
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Fighting and Player Character Systems

For damage-over-time attacks such as poison and bleeding, the experience the attacker gains will now accurately reflect the proportion of damage given to the target.

Since the use of Spoil against a monster is considered an attack action, the character will automatically attack the target after using Spoil.

Dexterity now increases the chance for shield defense to be applied. Characters with high dexterity now have an added probability for blocking with the shield.

The direction of an attack now affects its power and effectiveness, as well as the success of critical hits, shield blocking and attacks.

To prevent a player from forcefully quitting the game to avoid a dangerous situation during battle, their character will remain in the game for fifteen seconds, continuing to attack its target and also be vulnerable to attacks.

For easier confirmation and the prevention of possible exploits, a character's purple name now blinks for five seconds prior to returning to neutral status.

If you cast spells that help purple or chaotic players, or if you cast spells that help monsters, you will now become purple.

Three types of social actions have been added: laughing, waiting and unaware.

Image description

Weight System

The amount of weight characters can now hold is approximately four and a half times greater and the average weight of items has increased three-fold.

The statistic that determines weight allowance is now CON rather than STR. Items that previously modified STR now modify CON.

The weight for many items has been adjusted.

When all equipment is worn, the average player will be using approximately twenty-five percent of their maximum weight allowance.

The weight allowance in the character status window is now displayed as a percentage.

Players can no longer exceed their maximum weight by acquiring a large quantity of items at once.

Weight penalty rules have been changed once a player exceeds eighty percent. Players can now continue to interact with NPCs:

Percent Previously Now
> 50% HP/MP recovery reduced by fifty percent. HP/MP recovery reduced by fifty percent.
> 66.66% HP/MP recovery and movement speed reduced by fifty percent. HP/MP recovery and movement speed reduced by fifty percent.
> 80% No HP/MP recovery or movement; no NPC interaction. No HP/MP recovery or movement speed.

Antharas the Land Dragon

Antharas is one of the great dragons in the history of Aden. This dragon is by far the most fearsome creature in the Lineage II world. The earth tyrant Antharas, also known as Giran's Disaster, has finally awakened from a long, deep slumber.

Conditions for Meeting Antharas

  • To enter the lair of Antharas, a portal stone must be obtained, which is only possible for characters level fifty or above.
  • To obtain a portal stone, first seek Gabriel and fulfill her tasks and those of the other seal guardians. With the portal stone, it is possible to cross the barrier surrounding Antharas' lair.
  • The entrance to the lair of Antharas is located in an underground floor of a dungeon deep in Dragon Valley.

Attacking Antharas

  • Characters who have managed to gain entrance to his lair will be overwhelmed, as the ancient and incredibly powerful Antharas dramatically emerges.
  • Once inside, players will no longer be able to enter or leave, until the great dragon falls or their forces are completely wiped out.
  • Be forewarned! Doing battle with Antharas is the penultimate challenge, requiring many sacrifices, intense coordination and the gathering of the mightiest forces of Aden. Only those willing to struggle against incredible odds for many hours have even the slightest chance for victory.

Exceptions to the Rules

  • If the main or NPC server goes down, the HP of Antharas is saved at the same status as before the server went down.
  • After entering the lair, if a player logs out the game for longer than thirty minutes, they will be returned to the nearest village upon reconnecting.

Monsters and other NPC


Groups of four to five monsters have been added that give more experience points and items than other monsters. They can be found in the following locations: Wasteland, Forgotten Temple, Cruma Tower, Partisan Hideaway, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas, northern and southern parts of Oren, Cave of Giants, and Blazing Swamp.

  • The movement speed of all monsters was increased by approximately ten percent.
  • The movement speed of monsters of level fifty and above was increased by approximately fifty percent.
  • Monsters now use a wider variety of skills and use them more frequently.
  • Item drop rates have been further balanced according to monster difficulty.
  • When a monster uses a skill, there is now a delay before reuse.
  • When hunting monsters for a quest, regular experience points and skill points are acquired, but items and adena are not given for these monsters.
  • The overall number of monsters has been reduced, but their spawn rate is now faster.
  • Monsters have been added to Aden Territory, a high-level hunting ground.
  • Monsters can now be found near the Ivory Tower, Oren Castle Town, and the Bandit Stronghold of Oren Territory.
  • Some low-level monsters have been replaced with higher-level monsters around Talking Island and the Elven and Dark Elven Villages.
  • Powerful boss monsters have been added to the following areas:
  • Dion Territory
  • Giran Territory
  • Oren Territory
  • Aden Territory
  • Orc Kingdom
  • Dwarf Kingdom
  • Boss monsters now have three times the health of ordinary monsters, but they will also drop three times as much when killed.
  • Some boss monsters now have dialogue.
  • For the Rogue job change quest, pet manager Martin and his roommate Netty could not pay their rent, so they were kicked out of their house.
  • The NPC guide for each race now always acknowledges a character’s class change, even if they have since de-leveled.
  • The Stun effect graphic now appears overhead when using stun on Silenos.
  • The following are now recognized correctly as undead monsters in regards to skill use:
  • Skeleton Raider, Neer Ghoul Berserker, Cave Servant, Cave Servant Archer, Cave Servant Warrior, Cave Servant Captain, Royal Cave Servant, Red Arachne, Spore Zombie, Patin Archer, Ritmal Swordsman
  • Monsters with the ability to throw spears have been added.


  • Enchanting weapons and armor now has a better chance for success.
    • The probability for success has been doubled when using a scroll of enchant weapon on an enchantment level of three or higher.
    • The enchant effect has been tripled when using a scroll of enchant armor successfully on an enchantment of level three or higher.
    • When successfully crystallizing an enchanted item of level four or higher, the quantity of additional crystals has been doubled. This increase also applies when receiving crystals from an unsuccessful enchant.
    *These rules are applied retroactively to already existing enchanted items.
  • The number of soul shots and the MP used by bows have been changed.
Name Grade Soul Shot Before Soul Shot Now MP Before MP Now
Hunting Bow None 4 6 2 2
Forest Bow None 4 7 3 3
Composition Bow None 4 7 4 3
Strengthened Bow D 4 6 4 4
Long Bow D 4 6 5 5
Elven Bow D 4 6 5 5
Dark Elven Bow D 4 6 5 5
Gastraphetes D 4 8 5 5
Strengthened Long Bow D 7 10 7 6
Light Crossbow D 7 10 7 6
Crystallized Ice Bow C 4 8 8 7
Crossbow C 4 8 8 8
Akat Long Bow C 7 9 9 8
Elven Bow of Nobility C 4 8 8 8
Eminence Bow C 9 10 10 9
Neti’s Bow None 4 6 3 3
Guard’s Bow None 4 7 3 3
Crescent Moon Bow None 4 6 2 2
  • The types of bows have been categorized into ordinary bows and long bows. The difference between the two is that long bows have a slower attack speed and a have higher attack and magic strength. The following are categorized as long bows: Long Bow, Akat Long Bow, Dark Elven Bow, Soul Bow.
  • The price for arrows has been reduced. Their recipes and contents have been modified accordingly. Also, more arrows can be made from the same ingredients.
  • Bows and throwing spears now fly along a more realistic, parabolic path.
  • Monsters now drop a greater variety of items, at a slightly greater probability. The items from Spoil have not been changed.
  • Damage from polearms has been slightly reduced and their range has been slightly increased.
  • The magic casting speed has been increased from thirty to forty percent when using spirit shot.
  • The number of ingredients needed for making spirit shot has been slightly increased.
  • Blessed spirit shot and its recipe has been added. When using blessed spirit shot, the strength has been doubled.
  • New item sets have been added.
Name Upper Garments Lower Garments Helmet Gloves Boots Shield
Devotion Tunic of Devotion Stockings of Devotion Leather Helmet
Mithril Mithril Breastplate Mithril Greaves Helmet Hoplon
Knowledge Tunic of Knowledge Stockings of Knowledge Gloves of Knowledge
Manticore Manticore Leather Shirt Manticore Leather Greaves Manticore Leather Boots
Elven Mithril Mithril Tunic Mithril Stockings Elven Mithril Gloves
Enchanted Mithril Enchanted Mithril Shirts Enchanted Mithril Greaves Enchanted Mithril Boots
Chain Chain Mail Shirt Chain Greaves Steel Chain Hood
Plated Leather Plated Leather Armor Plated Leather Greaves Plated Leather Boots
Composite Composite Armor Composite Helmet Composite Shield
Demon’s Demon’s Tunic Demon’s Stockings Demon’s Gloves
Theca Leather Theca Leather Mail Theca Leather Greaves Theca Leather Boots
Drake Leather Drake Leather Mail Drake Leather Boots
Full Plate Full Plate Armor Full Plate Helmet Full Plate Shield
Divine Divine Tunic Divine Stockings Divine Gloves
Dwarven Chain
Theca Leather
  • Items for wolves and hatchlings of level twenty and above have been added.
  • New spell books that correspond to the new skills have been added.
    • Purchased in shops: Spellbook: Decrease Weight
    • Obtained through a quest: Talisman: Heart of Paagrio
    • Acquired by hunting monsters: Design Map: Summon Siege Golem, Spellbook: Mass Regeneration, and Spellbook: Party Recall
  • The icons for the different types of spell books have been changed. Some armor and shield icons have also been changed.
  • Wooden gaiters are now sold in Orc shops as well as other shops.
  • Boat tickets for Giran Harbor — Talking Island can now be acquired from Wharf Managers Fallius and Pelton.
  • Because new areas have been added to the world of Aden, the territory range in the world map has been increased.
  • Because one-piece and two-handed items actually take up two slots when worn, the icons for each take up two slots now.
  • The appearances of the following items have been changed:
  • Weapons: Aspis, Atuba Mace, Bow, Buzdygan, Crystal Staff, Crystallized Ice Bow, Doom Hammer, Dwarven Mace, Heavy Doom Axe, Mace of Judgment, Saber, Spiked Gloves, Spinebone Sword, Stick of Faith.
  • Shields: Bone Shield, Brigandine Shield, Bronze Shield, Buckler, Composite Shield, Chain Shield, Doom Shield, Dwarven Chain Shield, Full Plate Shield, Kite Shield, Knight Shield, Leather Shield, Eldarake, Hoplon, Plate Shield, Round Shield, Shield of Nightmare, Skeleton Buckler, Small Shield, Square Shield, Tower Shield.
  • Armor Sets:
    • Chain: Boots, Gaiters, Gloves, Mail Shirt
    • Demon's: Boots, Gloves, Stockings, Tunic
    • Divine: Boots, Gloves, Stockings, Tunic
    • Dwarven Chain: Boots, Gaiters, Gloves, Mail Shirt
    • Karmian: Boots, Gloves, Stockings, Tunic
    • Mithril: Boots, Gaiters, Gloves, Shirt
    • Theca Leather: Armor, Boots, Gaiters, Gloves
  • Temporary graphics of other boots have been added for some boots that previously had no graphics:
    • Drake Leather Boots, Rind Leather Boots, Dragon Leather Boots, Theca Leather Boots, Plated Leather Boots


  • Eight new quests have been added:
Hunt of the Black Lion The Hunt of the Black Lion is an upgraded version of the Vanquish Remnants quest. You can only begin working on it after receiving the Black Lion Mark from the Vanquish Remnants quest. This quest is repeatable.

The Wishing Potion The young female dwarf Matild is very interested in alchemy and desires to create a wish potion. You will need to achieve level thirty or above in order to attempt take Matild's challenge. This quest is repeatable.

Song of the Hunter Those who dream of making a fortune in a single quest have begun to flock to Hunters Village in the hopes of upgrading their level and receiving a bonus item of great value. This quest is repeatable.

Coin of Magic Warehouse Keeper Sorint, whose hobby is coin collecting, lusts for rare coins possessed by others. Should you carry out his request, he will give you a very special reward. This quest is repeatable.

Audience with the Land Dragon The Land Dragon Antharas has finally awakened from a deep slumber! Obtain the portal stone to enter his hidden lair. An enormous number of warriors must be recruited to defeat Antharas.

Little Wing Players can finally hope to acquire a pet worthy of their labors. Follow the Little Wing quest to obtain a dragon hatchling that can be grown into a wyvern or dragon.
Proof of Clan Alliance Level three clans must work together as a team to carry out this quest and upgrade their levels. Find Sir Kristoff Rodemai, who will give a test to earn the Proof of Alliance needed to expand a clan's power and influence.

Pursuit of Clan Aspiration This quest offers the chance to raise a clan's level from four to five. All clan members can participate in a boss raid war to fortify their clan's solidarity. Players may also repeat the quest to win bonus items. Talk to Gustov Athebaldt to begin this quest.
  • Descriptions for all quests are now available in the quest window.
  • During the Dark Elf Tutorial quest, the Elf and Dark Elf Village guide indicators are now displayed properly.
  • During the Raider’s first promotion quest, the honey and marble items can no longer be obtained without using Spoil.
  • Only one Footprint of Thief item can now be obtained during the Artisan’s promotion quest.

Clan Halls

Purchasing Clan Halls

  • The clan leader who placed the highest bid at the end of the auction wins the clan hall. Players cannot see how much others have bid.
  • Any player can view the clan halls in the auction, even if they are not qualified to make a bid.
  • When a clan leader places a bid on a clan hall, the bid amount of adena is taken from the clan's warehouse. Bids must be higher than the previous bid. Clan leaders cannot bid more than the amount of adena in the clan's warehouse.
  • Bids can be changed once they have been made by pressing the Rebid button, as long as the new bid is higher than the original.
  • If a bid is cancelled, the adena is returned, minus a ten percent tax fee.
  • If a clan disbands after placing a bid, the amount of the bid disappears.
  • If a clan acquires another clan hall while bidding, the bid is canceled automatically and the adena is returned to the clan's warehouse, minus taxes.
  • If two different clans placed the highest bid at the end of an auction, the clan hall is sold to the clan that bid first.
  • If a clan is successful in purchasing a clan hall, the clan leader receives a message that they won. Any previous residents that are still in the clan hall are kicked out.
  • The bid amounts of the clan leaders who bid unsuccessfully are returned to their clan's warehouses.

Selling Clan Halls

  • Clan leaders may put their clan hall up for auction through the clan hall manager.
  • Auction periods can be set for seven days, three days or one day. For example, if a three-day auction were set on Nov. 13 at 7:27pm, the end would be November 16 at 8:00pm.
  • Clan leaders can write a simple description of the clan hall they wish to auction.
  • Clan leaders must pay a deposit to put their clan hall up for auction.
  • The clan leader can cancel the auction during the set time, but the deposit is not returned and they cannot set up another auction for seven days.
  • When a clan hall does not have an owner, or has not been maintained sufficiently, it will be set up automatically for a seven-day auction period.
  • If the clan breaks up before the end of an auction period for their clan hall, the auction will continue, but the proceeds and deposit from selling the clan hall cannot be received.
  • If no one participates in an auction, the clan hall is returned to the owners, but their deposit is not returned.
  • If a clan successfully sells a clan hall, the clan leader will receive a message. The highest bid, minus taxes, is placed in the selling clan's warehouse, along with the deposit.

Clan Hall Maintenance and Expenses

  • The clan that owns the clan hall must deposit usage fees in the clan warehouse, collected weekly. If the usage fees are not paid, the clan leader receives a message and is given a grace period of one week. If the usage fees are still not paid after that time, the clan hall is repossessed and put up for auction.
  • HP and MP can be regenerated within the clan hall for a fee.
  • A warehouse is available in the clan hall.
  • Teleporters are available in the clan hall for members to travel to the village entrance and square. Teleporting to other areas requires a fee.

Limitations in Acquiring Clan Halls

  • Only leaders of a level two or higher clan without a clan hall may obtain one.
  • Clans still in the dissolution grace period may not bid on a clan hall.
  • A clan with a clan hall may not apply for dissolution.
  • Clan leaders can only bid on one clan hall in an auction. They may not participate in more than one clan hall auctions at once.

Clan Halls for Each Region

  • Gludio Village: Four small clan halls
  • Gludin Village: Five large clan halls
  • Dion Village: Three small clan halls

Gludin Village

Gludio Village

Dion Village

Summon and Pet Systems

Three types of hatchlings were added (Twilight, Star, and Wind). To obtain a hatchling, the Small Wing Quest must be completed.

When a pet is recalled, the items from the pet's inventory are added to the owner's inventory. If the owner's inventory is full, the items are dropped and the owner has priority to pick them up for fifteen seconds. If the NPC or main server goes down, the pet retains the items in its inventory.

To reduce pet reliance on items, some pet abilities have been enhanced.

Once their weight reaches over a hundred percent, pets receive the same weight penalties as player characters.

If an owner dies after summoning a pet or monster, they can no longer issue pet commands while dead.

Along with spells that cause monsters to fight among themselves or to flee, other strange condition magic spells can now be used on summoned monsters and pets.

Characters no longer drop items when killed by another player's summoned monster or pet.

After a server restart, there is now a short delay before a pet can be summoned.

The pet status window now disappears automatically whenever a pet is recalled.

A confirmation now appears when a player attempts to recall a pet using the shortcut window.

The following changes have been made in relation to the summoned monsters system:

The duration for summoned monsters has increased from fifteen to twenty minutes.

- Players receive only seventy percent of their experience points, as well as a reduction in the amount of crystals used for summoning monsters less than level forty (and an increase above level forty), while hunting with the following summoned monsters:

  • Summoned Cat the cat
  • Summoned Shadow
  • Summoned Boon Unicorn
  • Summoned Mechanical Golem
  • Summoned Black Panther
  • Summoned Reanimated Man

- Players receive only ten percent of their experience points, as well as a major reduction in the amount of crystals used for summoning monsters less than level forty (and only a slight decrease above level forty), while hunting with the following summoned monsters:

  • Summoned Mew the cat
  • Summoned Silhouette
  • Summoned Unicorn Mirage
  • Summoned Corrupted Man

- Human, Elf, and Dark Elf Wizards of level forty and below must wait six hours to re-use their summon skills.

The summoned monster's status window now has a gauge that displays their remaining summoned time.

When a summoned monster uses a skill, there is now a delay before it can use another skill.

The MP is now higher for summoned monsters of level four and above.

Summoned monsters can no longer use scrolls in their inventory.

A summoned monster no longer must have its target reselected when using its special abilities, such as Servitor Heal.

The summoning cost for a cubic has been reduced. The duration is still fifteen minutes.

The cubic's AI has been improved (For example, when its HP is low, the cubic will poison or curse opponents less).

The Interface

A video option to change the detail setting for models was added to the video options section. The default setting is high to experience the full beauty of the game, but for better performance, players can now set it to low.

An alliance channel has been added to the chat window.

The order of the chat window tabs has been changed to: All, Trade, Party, Clan and Alliance.

The channel tab is grayed out if a character is not affiliated with a clan or alliance.

Shortcut keys can now be used to change channel tabs (alt-pageup, alt-pagedown).

The summary status window can now be resized and the changes saved. The status ailment and menu windows can be relocated as well.

The text font has been enhanced with a shadow effect to make it easier to read.

Coordinates can now be confirmed in the world map.

A timer to automatically dismiss the Invite and Trade pop-up windows has been added.

When using the party matching system, a "Looking for Party" marker now appears above the character's head.

The delay indicator for skills now displays correctly even after restarting.

Assist is now possible by clicking with the right mouse button on the party member in the party window.

Players can now be ignored. When ignoring a player, whispers, trades, party invites, and clan invites are all blocked. Up to sixty-four players can be added to this list.

When whispering, using the " (double quotes) key no longer brings up the name of the last person whispered to. It is now possible to cycle through whisper commands using the up arrow key. Pressing the down arrow key deletes the character's name.

No actions, such as setting up a personal store, can be done while casting magic.

A personal shop can no longer be set up while under a sleep effect.

When continuously pressing a social action, characters no longer stop before moving or attacking.

The experience display now shows up properly at all levels.

It is no longer possible to equip or remove items while using skills or casting spells.

If a character wielding a bow runs out of arrows and later acquires more, the inventory now updates to indicate the proper number of arrows.

After using all arrows and then switching weapons, 0 arrows is no longer displayed in inventory.

Various actions with the slash (/) command have been added. Explanations for each are available in the action window.

Players will now receive an error message when attempting to exceed the maximum number of friends on their friends list, which is sixty-four.

The tool tip explanations are no longer cut off in Windows 98 and Windows Me.

When targeting characters, their affiliated clan and alliance can be seen by clicking the enlarge button in the target window.

Clans and Alliances

Quest items are required to raise a clan's level to four and five.

Clan and alliance wars will now continue indefinitely, until one clan surrenders or they both agree to a truce.

The maximum number of clans that can form an alliance has been increased from three to five.

At any given time, a single clan may be involved in up to ten clan wars and five alliance wars. It is not possible to initiate a new clan war while another one is in progress, but it is possible to accept an application for a clan war from another clan.

Level two to five clans now have access to a clan warehouse. Only the clan leader can retrieve items from the clan warehouse, but any clan member may deposit items.

It is now possible to start, stop, and surrender in clan battles.

In alliance, clan and siege wars, characters will have a mark above their heads to reflect this status.

A system message now appears properly if a truce is rejected.

Sounds and Misc

Background music is now available in all areas of every region.

Many sound effects for skills and items have been added.

Items acquired by a hunting party with item distribution set to random distribution will now be given correctly to those party members whose inventories are not full at random.

A bell now sounds before the boat leaves.

A freight system has been added.

  • Items can only be sent to and received by characters on the same account.
  • A certain amount of adena must be paid when sending a package, and this cost will vary according to distance.
  • Packages sent via the freight system must be retrieved from the town in which it was shipped. For example, if a package is sent using the warehouse keeper of Gludin Village, then that is where the recipient must go to receive it.