{{ }}  {{ item.title }}
{{ ['none', 'crystal_free'].includes(item.crystal_type) ? "NG" : item.crystal_type.toUpperCase() }}
{{}}  Lv. {{skill.level}}
Monsters & NPC
{{}}   - {{monster.title}} Lv. {{monster.level}}
{{quest.title}}  {{quest.location}}
{{}}  {{getDisplayZoneLevel(location)}}
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Lineage 2 High Five: Final Patch Notes

Class & Skill Updates

The High Five update brings many new skills and changes to existing skills for all classes. For easier browsing, all citations of class names are color-coded by race: Human Elf Dark Elf Orc Dwarf Kamael

New Skills

  • Shield Strike (level 40): Attacks the enemy using a shield and provokes the enemy. Requires a shield.
    • Paladin
    • Dark Avenger
    • Temple Knight
    • Shillien Knight
  • Challenge for Fate (level 83): Challenges and provokes nearby enemies. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.
    • Phoenix Knight
    • Hell Knight
    • Eva's Templar
    • Shillien Templar
  • Sonic Mastery (level 40): Absorbs the target's force energy. Force energy can be absorbed with a 15% chance for regular physical attacks and 30% during a critical attack. Applies when a sword, blunt weapon, or dualsword is equipped.
    • Gladiator
  • Force Mastery (level 24): Absorbs the target's force energy. Force energy can be absorbed with a 15% chance for regular physical attacks and 30% during a critical attack. Applies when a hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped.
    • Orc Monk
  • Throwing Dagger (level 80): Attacks the enemy by throwing a dagger decreases Speed by 80% for 10 seconds. Requires a dagger to be equipped.
    • Adventurer
    • Wind Rider
    • Ghost Hunter
  • Dual Blow (level 83): Attacks the target's vital points. Lethal Strike ,Half Kill, Critical and Over-hit are possible. Requires a dual dagger to be equipped.
    • Adventurer
    • Wind Rider
    • Ghost Hunter
  • Multiple Shot (level 82): Attacks multiple enemies in front. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow.
    • Sagittarius
    • Moonlight Sentinel
    • Ghost Sentinel
    • Trickster
  • Death Shot (level 83): Shoots an arrow that is aimed to kill. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped.
    • Sagittarius
    • Moonlight Sentinel
    • Ghost Sentinel
    • Trickster
  • Chain Heal (level 83): Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
    • Cardinal
    • Eva's Saint
    • Shillien Saint
    • Dominator
  • Mass Cure Poison (level 76): Cures all poisoned party members.
    • Eva's Saint
    • Shillien Saint
  • Mass Purify (level 76): Cancels paralysis and petrification effects, and also cures poison and bleed condition of all party members.
    • Shillien Saint
  • Mass Vitalize (level 76): Restores HP of party members, and also cures poison and bleed condition of all party members.
    • Eva's Saint
  • Resist Earth (level 60): Increases resistance to Earth attacks for 20 minutes.
    • Prophet
  • Chant of Elements (level 76): For 20 minutes, increases the defense attributes of all party members by 20.
    • Doomcryer
  • Battle Whisper (level 46): For 2 minutes, increases the user's P. Atk., critical power and Atk. Spd. Increases the additional MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts.
    • Sword Singer
  • Deadly Strike (level 40): For 2 minutes, increases the user's P. Atk., critical power and Atk. Spd. Increases the additional MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts.
    • Sword Singer
    • Bladedancer
  • Crushing Strike (level 40): Inflicts shock on the enemy, decreasing the target's P. Def. and M. Def. by 10% for 3 seconds. Requires a sword or blunt weapon to be equipped. Over-hit is possible.
    • Bounty Hunter
  • Blazing Boost (level 40): Quickly approaches the enemy. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
    • Bounty Hunter
  • Servitor Share (level 83): Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor. Using the summoner's abilities as the basis, extends to the servitor P. Atk./P. Def. by 50%, M. Atk./M. Def. by 25%, Max HP/MP by 10%, critical rate by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 10%, and Casting Spd. by 3%.
    • Soultaker
    • Arcana Lord
    • Elemental Master
    • Spectral Master
  • Dimension Spiral (level 40): Creates a tear in the dimension to inflict damage on the enemy. Over-hit is possible.
    • Warlock
    • Elemental Summoner
    • Phantom Summoner
  • Aura Blast (level 81): Inflicts non-attribute damage on the target and enemies around the target, and recovers MP. Inflicts additional non-attribute damage if the target is a monster.
    • Soul Hound (M)
    • Soul Hound (F)
    • Archmage
    • Mystic Muse
    • Storm Screamer
  • Aura Cannon (level 82): Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy, and recovers MP. Inflicts additional non-attribute damage if the target is a monster.
    • Soul Hound (M)
    • Soul Hound (F)
    • Archmage
    • Mystic Muse
    • Storm Screamer
  • Arcane Shield (level 83): For 10 seconds, decreases the damage received by 70% and turns the remaining damage into MP consumption. While the Arcane Shield's effect is in place, Casting Spd. decreases by 75%. When MP becomes 0, the skill's effect disappears.
    • Soul Hound (M)
    • Soul Hound (F)
    • Archmage
    • Mystic Muse
    • Storm Screamer
  • Soul Roar (level 62): Upon use, immediately regenerates Max HP/CP by 15% and for 10 minutes, increases your Max HP/CP by 15%.
    • Berserker
  • Piercing Attack (level 80): Chance to decrease the enemy's P. Def. by 23% under normal attacks.
    • Hierophant
  • Defense Motion (level 60): For 2 minutes, increases your P. Def. by 25%, Evasion by 3, and M. Def. by 10%. Increases the additional MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts.
    • Blade Dancer
  • Fury of Pa'agrio (level 48): Increases party or clan members' Atk. Spd. for 20 minutes.
    • Overlord
  • Chant of Berserker (level 44): Decreases all party members' P. Def., M. Def. and Evasion, and increases P. Atk. , M. Atk., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd. and Speed for 20 minutes.
    • Warcryer
  • Potential Ability (level 28): When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage. Requires a light armor to be equipped.
    • Scavenger
  • Lucky Blow (level 83): Attacks the target's vital points, throwing the target into a Spoiled state. Lethal Strike is possible. Half Kill, Critical hit and Over-hit are possible. Requires a dual dagger to be equipped.
    • Fortune Seeker
  • Sweeper Festival (level 28): When used on nearby corpses that are in a Spoil state, extra items may be obtained.
    • Scavenger
  • Battle Cry (level 40): Regenerates Max HP and increases one's own Max HP for 10 minutes.
    • Warsmith
  • Mana Pump (level 40): Increases Maximum MP.
    • Soul Breaker (M/F)


New Cross-Class Skills

The following existing skills are now available to additional classes:

  • Aegis Stance (level 46): Enables Shield Defense from all directions and decreases Shield Defense.
    • Dark Avenger
  • Rush (level 40): Charges toward the enemy. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
    • Warlord
    • Gladiator
    • Destroyer
    • Tyrant
    • Warsmith
  • Rush Impact (level 83, 85 for Titan): Rushes forward to attack the enemies in front and inflicts Shock. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
    • Dreadnought
    • Duelist
    • Titan (85)
    • Grand Khavatari
    • Maestro
  • Dagger Mastery (level 20): Increases P.Atk. and the success rate of deadly attack by 10% while decreasing MP Consumption by 60%. Enchant Skill is possible.
    • Scavenger
  • Dual Dagger Mastery (level 81): Increases P.Atk. and the success rate of deadly attack by 5%. Obtainable from Forgotten Scrolls.
    • Fortune Seeker
  • Deadly Blow (level 40): Deals a deadly attack. Enchant Skill is possible.
    • Bounty Hunter
  • Back Stab (level 40): Deals a deadly attack. Enchant Skill is possible.
    • Bounty Hunter

Changes to Existing Skills

  • Blunt Mastery: The skill name has changed to Sword/Blunt Mastery to offer relevant effects to sword-types, too
  • Dread Pool: New effects: Decreasing P.Def. By 33% and Evasion by 10. Success rate is increased.
  • Weapon Blockade: This skill is now available from Skill Trainers at level 80.
  • Sonic Rage: The maximum amount of Force Energy Recovery is increased to 8.
  • Aegis Stance: Decreases in shield defense power, while the skill is activated, have been reduced from 40% to 30%.
  • Vanguard: This character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 43 to 40.
  • Aggression: The skill power is boosted.
  • Aura of Hate: The skill power is boosted.
  • Shield Fortress: MP consumption is decreased.
  • Ultimate Defense: M.Def. is increased.
  • Tribunal: The skill Power is increased and a Hate effect is added.
  • Flame Icon: It no longer overlaps the Totem skills.
  • Judgement: The skill power is increased and a Hate effect is added.
  • Insane Crusher: The skill power and success rate are increased while the reuse time is decreased.
  • Hell Scream: New effect: Speed decreased by 30%. Success rate is increased.
  • Shadow Step: The required character level to learn this skill has decreased to 40.
  • Soul of Sagittarius: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 46 to 40.
  • Quiver of Arrow - A - Grade: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 66 to 60.
  • Lethal Shot: The skill power is boosted further.
  • Flame Hawk: The skill power is increased and a Fire Damage over Time effect is added.
  • Seven Arrow: The skill power is increased. This skill now affects a single target. Additionally, casting time, reuse time, and MP consumption are decreased.
  • Meteor: This skill now has an Instant Cast time and a fire damage over time effect has been added. The reuse time is decreased.
  • Flame Armor: Resistance to fire and skill power are increased while the casting time is decreased.
  • Death Spike: When using this skill, Cursed Bones are no longer consumed.
  • Mass Gloom: When using this skill, Cursed Bones are no longer consumed. The success rate has significantly increased, and the effect for reduced resistance to 6 major attributes has been added. Now, the M.Def. Reduction effect is 15% and a ranged magic attack effect has been added. The reuse time is now 12 seconds.
  • Summon Cursed Bones: This skill has been deleted since the Cursed Bones are no longer required.
  • Anchor: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 44 to 40. The success rate is significantly increased and the casting time is substantially reduced. Now, the length of the first effect and that for Paralysis are now 5 seconds each. The reuse time has increased to 60 seconds.
  • Curse Gloom: The success rate has significantly increased, and the effect for reduced resistance to 6 major attributes was added. Now, the M.Def Reduction effect is 15% and a ranged magic attack effect has been added. The reuse time has increased to 5 seconds.
  • Mass Fear: The success rate has significantly increased and the casting time has been reduced to 5 seconds. The casting target changes from servitor to enemy. The reuse time has increased to 75 seconds.
  • Corpse Burst: Darkness attribute is added to the skill impact.
  • Vampiric Mist: HP absorption effect is decreased from 40% to 20%, but the success rate is increased. The duration and reuse time are decreased.
  • Dark Vortex: The skill power has increased while HP absorption rate has decreased.
  • Servitor Summon Skill (all): The casting time is decreased from 15 seconds to 6 seconds.
  • Excessive Loyalty: This skill's effect in increasing P.Atk. is increased from 15% to 35%.
  • Mutual Response: Mutual Response is now also activated when using the Dimension Spiral skill.
  • Spirit Sharing: New additional effects: increases Attack Speed, Casting Speed and Critical Rate.
  • Anit-Summoning Field: New effects have been added: Cancel buff which increases M. Spd./Atk Spd./Moving Spd. and cast a debuff which decreases M. Spd./Atk. Spd./Moving Spd.
  • Inquisitor: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 44 to 40.
  • Purification Field: Casting time changed from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. Re-use time changed from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
  • Bless the Body: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 72 to 70.
  • Song of Wind Storm: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 5 respectively.
  • Song of Hunter: The character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 49 to 40.
  • Song of Warding: The character level required to learn this skill has increased from 40 to 43.
  • Song of Invocation: The character level required to learn this skill has increased from 43 to 49.
  • Sword Symphony: This skill's effect was changed from Fear to Silence on a single target. The skill power was increased while MP consumption was decreased.
  • Arrow Rain: The skill power was increased and a wind damage over time effect was added.
  • Star Fall: This skill can now be casted instantly and an attribute-free damage over time effect was added. The reuse time was decreased.
  • Frost Armor: Resistance to water and the chance of activation skill were increased while the casting time was decreased.
  • Greater Heal: This skill can now be acquired up to the highest level equal to the Bishop class. Likewise, the initial acquisition level is changed from level 48 to level 40.
  • Vitalize: Casting time changed from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Blessing of Eva: Casting time changed from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. Re-use time changed from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
  • Spirit of Shilen: It no longer overlaps the Totem skills.
  • Dance of Blade Storm: The duration for enchanting the skill for Time has been reduced. Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 45 and 25 respectively.
  • Dance of Medusa: The reuse time and the duration were decreased. The Petrify effect no longer overlaps this skill. When the skill is enchanted for Time, the duration has dropped to 25 seconds from 120 seconds (maximum).
  • Demonic Blade Dance: The skill power and the success rate were increased. Additionally, the duration, MP consumption, and casting time were decreased.
  • Dead Eye: This skill's effect in slowing Attack Speed is reduced from 20% to 10%.
  • Ghost Piercing: The skill power was increased and a Dark damage over time effect was added.
  • Hurricane Armor: Resistance to wind and the chance of activation skill were increased while the casting time was decreased.
  • Thorn Root: The skill power was increased to reduce HP by 90 (Previously, HP was reduced by 30). MP reduction effect was also added. The success rate was increased. While the duration was reduced, the re-use time was increased.
  • Purify: Casting time changed from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Frenzy: This skill's effect in increasing P.Atk. has decreased, the HP requirements have been changed from less than 30% to less than 60%, and the reuse time is reduced by 50%.
  • Demolition Impact: The skill power was increased and its effect is now applicable to a single target. Additionally, its range was increased from 40 to 150.
  • Punch of Doom: The shock effect is no longer inflicted on you when using this skill. Instead, the skill reuse time is increased.
  • Wolf Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 19 MP.
  • Bear Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 25 MP.
  • Puma Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 35 MP.
  • Ogre Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 41 MP.
  • Rabbit Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 58 MP.
  • Hawk Spirit Totem: This skill effect now lasts for 5 minutes and consumes 68 MP.
  • Raging Force: The maximum number of force energy recovery was increased to 8.
  • Force of Destruction: The skill power and the success rate were increased while the reuse time was decreased.
  • Burning Chop: The requirements for using this skill were all changed to melee weapons and this skill can now be enchanted.
  • Chant of Shielding: This character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 48 to 40.
  • Chant of Predator: This character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 48 to 40.
  • Chant of Protection: The duration was increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds.
  • Collector's Experience: This skill can now be used with a sword. Additionally, there is a chance that Collector's Fortune will activate when using Crushing Strike.
  • Spoil Crush: You can now use this skill with a sword.
  • Lucky Strike: You can now use this skill with a sword.
  • Sharp Edge: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Spike: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Restring: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Case Harden: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Hard Tanning: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Embroider: The duration has increased from 600 seconds to 1200 seconds. The range has also increased from 40 to 400.
  • Soul Barrier: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.
  • Critical Sense: This character level required to learn this skill has decreased from 43 to 40.
  • Furious Soul: The penalty effect for deacreasing P.Def. is reduced from 20% to 5%.
  • Steal Divinity: The success rate is reduced, and the skill effect is changed so that it is now susceptible to resistance against buff canceling attacks.
  • Soul Strike: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Soul Vortex: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Annihilation Circle: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Soul of Pain: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Expert Casting: More stages were added to this skill. 2nd Stage: 15% reduction in reuse time (level 49). 3rd Stage: 20 % reduction in reuse time (level 55).
  • Dark Flame: The skill effect has changed from Fear to 30% reduction in Moving Speed. The reuse time was reduced.
  • Soul to Empower: More stages were added to this skill. 3rd Stage: 75% reduction in M.Atk. (level 64).
  • Rapier Mastery: When a Rapier is equipped, the Casting Speed now increases by 15%. This effect is applicable from the mastery obtained at level 40.
  • Fast Recovery: More stages were added to this skill. 2nd Stage: Increase in Recovery bonus (level 49).
  • Soul Vortex Extinction: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Lighting Shock: This skill changed from physical skill to magic skill. This skill now has the 1st/2nd effect, separately. 1st effect: decreased abilities. 2nd effect: Paralysis. Overlap is no longer possible.
  • Leopold: MP cost for Magic skills decreased by 20%.
  • Fire Trap: The skill casting time is reduced by 50%.
  • Poison Trap: The skill casting time is reduced by 50%.
  • Slow Trap: The skill casting time is reduced by 50%.
  • Flash Trap: The skill casting time is reduced by 50%.
  • Binding Trap: The skill casting time is reduced by 50%.
  • Real Target: The enchant power has decreased.
  • Wild Shot: The skill power is boosted.
  • Thin Skin: More stages were added to this skill. This skill can now be enchanted. 7th Stage: level 74.

Other Changes to Classes and Skills

  • Harmony of Noblesse: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.
  • Symphony of Noblesse: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.
  • SP required for acquiring some of the skills of the Third Class is reduced.
  • The success rate for Abnormal State has changed to Maximum rate 90%, Minimum rate 10%.
  • The maximum number of simultaneous attacks when using a Spear is changed as follows:
    • No mastery: Before (5) Now (3)
    • Polearm mastery level 8 and below: Before (10) Now (8)
    • Polearm mastery level 9 and above: Before (15) Now (13)
  • The visual effect of the Major Group Heal skill is changed and this skill now has the same visual effect as Major Heal.
  • The success rate of the Steal Divinity skill has been reduced, and is now susceptible to resistance against buff-canceling attacks.
  • The Necromancer skills Summon Reanimated Man, Summon Corrupted Man, and Summon Cursed Man no longer require a corpse. However, the casting time to summon one of these servitors has increased.
  • Servitors of Necromancer, Soultaker, Warlock, Arcana Lord, Elemental Summoner, Elemental Master, Phantom Summoner, and Spectral Master now share their master's attack/defense elemental attributes.
  • Most of the effects of the skills obtainable from the Forgotten Scroll are improved.
  • The requirements for many skills have been softened up for convenience.
  • Fortune Seekers can now use daggers in battles as well as existing weapons.
  • Some of the effects of the Soul Hound skills have been changed to wield more power in the magic-centric battles.
  • Skills with the Petrify effect have had both their duration and reuse time reduced.
  • The skill descriptions for Twin Shot and Rising Shot now mention Soul Consumption.
  • The amount of Adena and Skill Points required to enchant skills has been reduced by 30%.

Grand Olympiad Enhancements

  • Grand Olympiad arenas have been changed to Instanced Zones. Matches can now be held in 160 stadiums at the same time.
  • The minimum number of participants for a match has been changed, and now all characters that have requested a match can enter the stadium:
    • Class-irrelevant Individual Matches: 9 players (Before) 11 players (After)
    • Class Individual Matches: 5 players (Before) 11 players (After)
    • Class-irrelevant Team Matches: 9 teams (Before) 6 teams (After)
  • The previous system in which opponents were selected randomly has been changed to a system in which opponents with similar Olympiad points will be matched first.
  • Points are now accumulated as follows:
    • 10 points for reaching Noblesse for the first time.
    • 10 more points every week.
    • A total of 50 points are given to every player during each Olympiad cycle.
  • Noblesse characters can us the /olympiadstat command on other players to check their Olympiad points, personal records, and remaining number of matches.
  • Noblesse characters are now bound by a set number of matches they can join per week:
    • Maximum number of matches a Noblesse character can join per week: 70
    • Maximum number of Class-Irrelevant Individual matches a character can join per week: 60
    • Maximum number of Class Individual matches a character can join per week: 30
    • Maximum number of Class-Irrelevant Team matches a character can join per week: 10
    • This maximum number resets at the beginning of each Olympiad cycle.
  • The maximum number of people who can watch a match at the same time has been increased to 18 per stadium.
  • Three new stadiums have been added:
    • Orbis Arena: An enormous octagon-shaped architectural structure with stone statues at its center. This structure has gaps between the statues that characters can freely move through.
    • Three Bridges Arena: The stadium is split into two halves which are connected in the center by three short, parallel bridges, which are marked by stone statues.
    • Heroes Vestiges Arena: This is a distinctive square-shaped stadium containing stone statues at the east, west, south and north sides, amounting to four statues in total. These stone statues block the front of the gates that participants enter, making this mid-sized stadium look even smaller.
  • Olympiad Manager gives out Daily Quests regarding the matches in the Grand Olympiad:
    • Olympiad Starter (lvl75): Participate and complete 3, 5, or 10 Olympiad Matches. Win or Lose, you will receive a reward for participating.
    • Olympiad Veteran (lvl75): Participate and complete five of each type of match to claim a reward:
      • 1 vs 1 Match
      • 1 Vs 1 Class Match
      • 3 vs 3 Team Match
    • Olympiad Undefeated (lvl75): Be victorious in 2, 5 or 10 matches without being defeated once in order to claim a reward.
    • Daily Olympiad quests are reset at 6:30 a.m. (server time) every day.
  • The appearance of the Olympiad stadium has changed into a rectangular grassy arena surrounded by a coliseum building. The sky in this arena will randomly change.
  • The time limit for Olympiad Warrior's Ring, Olympiad Warrior's Earring, and Olympiad Warrior's Necklace has been increased from 30 days to 60 days.
  • Olympiad Point settlement rules have been changed to the following:
    • Rank 1 - Top 1%: 120 points (Before) 100 points (After)
    • Rank 2 - Top 10%: 80 points (Before) 75 points (After)
    • Rank 3 - Top 25%: 55 points (Before) 55 points (After)
    • Rank 4 - Top 50%: 35 points (Before) 40 points (After)
    • Rank 5 - Below 50%: 20 points (Before) 30 points (After)
  • Hero bonus has changed from 180 points to 200 points.
  • The minimum number of matches in which you must participate to receive point rewards has been increased from 9 matches to 15 matches.
  • Points awarded to the winner and deducted from the loser of all match types has changed from 1/3rd to 1/5th.
  • Hero Weapons have been enhanced as follows:
    • Basic stats, such as P.Atk. and M.Atk. have been increased.
    • PvP extra damage is increased.
    • Very strong Holy Element attack power has been added on all Hero weapons.
  • The Special Abilities of the Hero Weapon Infinity Spear have changed as follows:
    • The Cancel effect and the number of buffs canceled have been reduced.
    • The skill reflection rate has been increased.
  • New equipment reward items are now available for purchase with Olympiad Tokens at the Olympiad Manager:
    • Vesper Armor Sets, Sigils and Shields
    • Noble Enhancement Stones
    • Vorpal Armor Sets, Sigils and Shields
  • The items available for Noblesse Gate Pass have been removed. Noblesse Gate Passes have been moved from the Quest Inventory to the General Inventory, and can now be sold to a shop as a common item for 100 Adena.
  • With the new "Camera Mode," players may move freely while watching Grand Olympiad matches. For more information about this new mode, press the 'Help' button while viewing a match.
  • A "Replay" function has been added for spectators to record a Match and play back later.
  • Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Version) has changed as follows:
    • It can now be exchanged, dropped or sold through a private store.
    • The number of Olympiad Tokens needed to buy the book has been reduced from 450,000 tokens to 90,000 tokens.
  • The waiting period between matches has decreased from 45 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • You now cannot request a match if your inventory or weight are above 80%.
  • The cost for Giant's Codex has changed:
    • Before: 5500 Olympiad tokens
    • Now: 550 Olympiad tokens
  • The cost for Individual Fame points has been changed:
    • Before: 1 Fame point for 20 Olympiad tokens
    • Now: 100 Fame points for 1 Medal of Honor
  • The amount of Fame points required for buying Forgotten Scrolls has been reduced:
    • The original price of Forgotten Scrolls was 52,000 Olympiad tokens + 26,000 Fame points + 12,000,000 Adena.
    • The new price of Forgotten Scrolls is now 52,000 Olympiad tokens + 1,950 Fame points + 12,000,000 Adena.


Giran Luxury Shop Additions and Changes

  • Weapons and armor sold at the Giran Luxury Shop may now be purchased with Adena instead of crystals.
  • The following A-Grade armor has been added to the sales list:
    • Dark Crystal Breastplate: 3,562,00
    • Dark Crystal Helmet: 1,336,000
    • Dark Crystal Gaiters: 2,226,000
    • Dark Crystal Shield: 935,000
    • Dark Crystal Leather Armor: 2,671,000
    • Dark Crystal Leggings: 1,670,000
    • Dark Crystal Robe: 4,341,000
    • Tallum Plate Armor: 5,788,000
    • Tallum Helm: 1,336,000
    • Tallum Leather Armor: 4,341,000
    • Tallum Tunic: 2,671,000
    • Tallum Stockings: 1,670,000
    • Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves: 890,000
    • Sealed Tallum Gloves: 890,000
    • Sealed Dark Crystal Boots: 890,000
    • Sealed Tallum Boots: 890,000
  • The following A-Grade weapons have been added to the sales list:
    • Soul Separator: 20,741,000
    • Sword of Miracles: 20,741,000
    • Dark Legion's Edge: 20,741,000
    • Lacerator: 20,741,000
    • Dragon Slayer: 20,741,000
    • Undertaker: 20,741,000
    • Soul Bow: 20,741,000
    • Reaper: 20,741,000
    • Flaming Dragon Skull: 20,741,000
    • Elysian: 20,741,000
    • Doom Crusher: 20,741,000
    • Branch of the Mother Tree: 20,741,000
    • Tallum Glaive: 20,741,000
    • Dragon Grinder: 20,741,000
  • The following B-Grade weapons have been added to the sales list:
    • Great Sword: 6,680,500
    • Heavy War Axe: 6,680,500
    • Sprite's Staff: 6,680,500
    • Keshanberk: 6,680,500
    • Sword of Valhalla: 6,680,500
    • Kris: 6,680,500
    • Hell Knife: 6,680,500
    • Arthro Nail: 6,680,500
    • Dark Elven Longbow: 6,680,500
    • Great Axe: 6,680,500
    • Spell Breaker: 6,680,500
    • Ice Storm Hammer: 6,680,500
    • Military Fleuret: 6,680,500
    • Innominate Victory: 6,680,500
    • Peacemaker: 6,680,500
  • The following A-Grade and B-Grade jewelry has been added to the sales list:
    • Adamantite Necklace: 621,200
    • Adamantite Earring: 465,900
    • Adamantite Ring: 310,600
    • Necklace of Blessing: 621,200
    • Earring of Blessing: 465,900
    • Ring of Blessing: 310,600
    • Necklace of Black Ore: 948,000
    • Earring of Black Ore: 711,000
    • Ring of Black Ore: 474,000
    • Sealed Phoenix Necklace: 1,340,000
    • Sealed Phoenix Earring: 1,005,000
    • Sealed Phoenix Ring: 670,000
    • Sealed Majestic Necklace: 1,998,000
    • Sealed Majestic Earring: 1,498,000
    • Sealed Majestic Ring: 999,000

Three New Cloaks

Three new cloaks have been added to the game. Each new cloak is related to a particular raid boss and exists in two different versions:

  • The sealed version, which can be obtained as a random drop by killing its respective raid boss, and is not tradable. Sealed cloaks can be unsealed by Weaver NPCs in the towns of Rune and Aden. After the seal is removed, they can be traded or dropped.
  • The soul version, which can be obtained by questing and is not tradable.
    • Cloak of Zaken (S80) / Soul Cloak of Zaken (S80):
      • Obtained from: Zaken (Hardest mode), or Quest: Embroidered with Souls - 1
      • Skill: Zaken's Call: Teleports you within the vicinity of Zaken's stronghold. Reuse delay: 30 minutes.
    • Cloak of Freya (S84) / Soul Cloak of Freya (S84):
      • Obtained from: Freya (both modes), or Quest: Embroidered with Souls - 2
      • Skill: Freya's Call: Teleports you within the vicinity of Freya's stronghold. Reuse delay: 30 minutes.
    • Cloak of Frintezza (S80) / Soul Cloak of Frintezza (S80):
      • Obtained from: Scarlet Van Halisha, or Quest: Embroidered with Souls - 3
      • Skill: Frintezza's Call: Teleports you within the vicinity of Frintezza's stronghold. Reuse delay: 30 minutes.

Six New Raid Boss Weapons

  • When certain Raid Bosses are killed, they will now drop the weapon they or their minions were wearing.
  • The names of these Raid Boss weapons are displayed in purple font color.
  • The stats of each of these weapons are the same as the stats of the weapon of the same grade.
  • These weapons can be traded, dropped, sold through a private shop or NPC shop, and crystallized.
  • Bestowing a Special Ability, augmenting, enchanting, converting to PvP-type weapon and adding elemental attributes are all possible.
  • These Raid Boss Weapons are not compatible with the Kamael Weapon Switch skill, nor can they be exchanged for other weapons through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
  • These weapons can only be acquired through Raid Boss hunting. Crafting is not possible.
    • Hellblade (S84) One-Handed Sword:
      • Obtained from: Darion in Tully's Workshop
      • Passive skill: Hellblade: Inflicts powerful damage to a target and causes Bleeding upon normal targets.
    • Claw of Destruction (S84)One-Handed Blunt:
      • Obtained from: Tiat in the Seed of Destruction
      • Passive skill: Claw of Destruction: Inflicts Fear on a target during a PvP attack.
    • Butcher Blades: (S80) Dual Daggers:
      • Obtained from: Daytime Zaken (Hard Mode)
      • Passive skill: Butcher Blades: Inflicts Bleeding to a target upon normal attacks.
    • Blades of Delusion: (S-Grade) Dualsword:
      • Obtained from: Aenkinel in Delusion Chamber
      • Passive skill: Blades of Delusion: Decreased P.Def of a target upon normal attacks.
    • Blood Brother (S-Grade) Two-Handed Sword:
      • Obtained from: Yehan Klanikus in the Hall of Suffering
      • Passive skill: Blood Brother: Decreases P.Def. of a target and inflicts Shock upon normal targets.
    • Mardil's Fan (A-Grade) One-Handed Magic Sword:
      • Obtained from: Immortal Savior Mardil in the Tower of Insolence
      • Passive Skill: Mardil's Fan: Increases Atk. Spd. by 15% and Wind attack attribute upon being attacked.

Three New Hair Accessories

  • Halisha's Helmet, obtainable from Scarlet Van Halisha.
  • Pirate Captain's Hat, obtainable from Daytime Zaken (Hard Mode).
  • Ice Queen's Tiara, obtainable from Freya (both modes).

Changes to NPC Traders

  • The Grocer NPCs in major villages and Dragon Valley now sell the same items.
  • A-Grade and B-Grade Arrows and Bolts are now sold at the Grocery Store in any village.
  • Recipes for Soulshot/Spiritshot and recipes for basic materials are now for sale by Recipe Merchants found in Blacksmith shops.
  • Black Marketeer of Mammon now sells Ancient Adena to certain characters at certain times.
    • Location: Black Marketeer of Mammon in the respective villages
    • Available Time for Purchase: Every day from 8 p.m. to midnight server-time.
    • Requirements: Characters level 60 and above
    • Price: 1 Ancient Adena for 4 Adena. Each character is allowed one transaction per day, and may purchase up to 500,000 Ancient Adena. The daily timer resets at 6:30am server-time.
  • A function has been added that allows a player to exchange the highest A-Grade weapons for other weapons of the same class through Blacksmith of Mammon for a more diversified use of higher-level weapons. However, Kamael-exclusive weapons and Dual Swords cannot be exchanged. The following A-Grade weapons can be exchanged:
    • Elemental Sword
    • Spiritual Eye
    • Bloody Orchid
    • Dasparion's Staff
    • Tallum Blade
    • Halberd
    • Meteor Shower
    • Inferno Master
    • Destroyer Hammer
    • Blood Tornado
    • Carnage Bow
    • Sword of Miracles
    • Flaming Dragon Skull
    • Soul Separator
    • Branch of the Mother Tree
    • Elysian
    • Tallum Glaive
    • Dark Legion's Edge
    • Dragon Slayer
    • Doom Crusher
    • Dragon Grinder
    • Soul Bow
    • Themis' Tongue
    • Cabrio's Hand
    • Naga Storm
    • Daimon Crystal
    • Sirra's Blade
    • Barakiel's Axe
    • Tiphon's Spear
    • Sword of Ipos
    • Behemoth's Tuning Fork
    • Sobekk's Hurricane
    • Shyeed's Bow
  • Blacksmith NPCs in villages can now perform the following roles that were previously reserved for the Blacksmith of Mammon:
    • Remove the seal of A-Grade armor / magic armor accessories.
    • Re-seal A-Grade armor.
  • The following roles were added to Blacksmith NPCs in every village for more convenient item conversion.
    • Bestow special abilities on B-Grade and lower-grade weapons.
    • Remove or add the sealing of B-Grade gloves / boots.
    • Perform and removed weapon augmentations.

Changes to the Wondrous Cubic

  • The service fee required for exchanging a Cubic Piece for a Scroll via the Warehouse Keeper has been slashed in half from the previous fee.
  • The item icons for different Cubic pieces have been changed for easier identification within the inventory.
  • The item name of different Cubic pieces has been changed for better identification and usage instruction. Example: The old item name was "Fine Blue Cubic Piece". Now the item is named "Cube Fragment Weapon – D".
  • Shiny Cube Fragments, which can be exchanged for Blessed Weapon and Armor Enchant Scrolls, have been added to the list of possible rewards from the Wondrous Cubic.
  • Blessed Enchant Scrolls, the one-time use Wondrous Cubic and the one-time use Refined Cubic have all been added to the Warehouse Keeper's exchange list.
  • Cube Fragments can be exchanged through the Warehouse Keeper for the new one-time use Wondrous Cubics and one time-use Refined Cubics.
  • The reuse time of the Wondrous Cubic is reset every day at 6:30 a.m server-time.

Changes to Boss Jewels

  • Blessed Earring of Zaken (S84 - Mdef 71) can now be obtained by doing the hardest Zaken raid.
    • Its effects include MP +37, 30% increase in Bleed Resistance, 30% increase in Bleed Attack Rate, 15% increase in Heal amount, Vampiric Rage effect, 30% increase in Stun/Mental Attack Resistance, 30% increase in Stun/Mental Attack Rate, and 15 Dark resistance.
  • Blessed Earring of Zaken is an upgraded version of Earring of Zaken. If two Blessed Earrings of Zaken are equipped at the same time, only the effects of one earring will be activated.
  • Antharas and Valakas boss jewels have changed:
    • Earring of Antharas: (Before) M. Def 71, MP Bonus 31 (After) M. Def 94, MP Bonus 37
    • Necklace of Valakas: (Before) M. Def 95, MP Bonus 42 (After) M. Def 125, MP Bonus 50

Changes to Attribute Stones and Crystals

  • You can now exchange elemental attribute stones for elemental attribute crystals through the Attribute Master NPC:
    • By exchanging 5 stones of the same attribute and 3,000,000 Adena, you can receive 1 Crystal of the same attribute.
    • Attribute Master NPCs can be found in Rune Township and Aden.
  • You can now acquire Attribute Stones in more Hunting Grounds:
    • Fire Stone: Dragon Valley and Giant's Cave.
    • Water Stone: Dragon Valley and Seed of Annihilation.
    • Earth Stone: Dragon Valley, Antharas' Lair, Seed of Annihilation.
    • Wind Stone: Dragon Valley and Antharas' Lair.
    • Dark Stone: Dragon Valley.
    • Divine Stone: Monastery of Silence.

Changes to Giant's Codexes

You can now acquire Giant's Codexes while hunting in the following locations:

  • Giant's Codex: Dragon Valley, Plains of the Lizardman, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve, Fields of Silence/Whispers.
  • Giant's Codex - Discipline: Antharas' Lair and Giant's Cave.
  • Giant's Codex - Mastery: Antharas' Lair, Giant's Cave, Seed of Annihilation.
  • Giant's Codex - Oblivion: Antharas' Lair and Giant's Cave.

Changes to Forgotten Scrolls

You can now acquire Forgotten Scrolls while hunting in the following locations:

  • Protection of Rune: Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve and Fields of Silence/Whispers
  • Protection of Elemental: Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve, Fields of Silence/Whispers
  • Protection of Alignment: Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Fields of Silence/Whispers
  • Fighter's Will: Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve
  • Archer's Will: Plains of the Lizardmen
  • Magician's Will: Fields of Silence/Whispers
  • Deflect Magic, Anti-Magic Armor, Sixth Sense, Expose Weak Point, Hide, Dual Dagger Mastery, Silent Mind, Seven Arrow, Final Secret, Enlightenment - Wizard/Healer, Servitor Barrier, Excessive Loyalty, Mutual Response, Meteor, Starfall, Turn Stone: Monestary of Silence

You can now acquire Forgotten Scrolls from the following Epic Bosses:

  • Freya (Hard Mode): Ghost Walking, Flame Hawk, Arrow Rain, Ghost Piercing, Wild Shot, Force of Destruction, Dread Pool, Flame Armor.
  • Freya (Normal Mode): Frost Armor, Hurricane Armor, Vampiric Mist, Lightning Shock, Sublime Self-Sacrifice, Blessing of Eva, Lord of Vampire, Seal of Limit, Spirit of the Phoenix.
  • Daytime Zaken (Hard Mode): Seed of Revenge, Hell Scream, Eva's Will, Pain of Shilen, Exciting Adventure, Wind Riding, Demolition Impact, Golem Armor.

Other Item Changes

  • The following effects have been added Armor Sets for Vesper, Vorpal and Elegia (including those for PvP):
    • Vesper Noble Heavy Armor Set: Increases Accuracy by 4, Speed by 5, and Resistance to Magic Damage by 1%.
    • Vesper Noble Light Armor Set: Increases Evasion by 3. Increases Critical Damage by 172 and Resistance to Paralysis attack by 50%.
    • Vesper Noble Robe Set: Increases Speed by 7 and reduces MP consumption by 3% when using skills.
    • Vorpal Heavy Armor Set: Increases Accuracy by 4 and Speed by 7.
    • Vorpal Light Armor Set: Increases Critical Damage by 182 and Maximum MP by 360.
    • Vorpal Robe Set: Increases Speed by 7 and Maximum MP by 92.
    • Elegia Robe Set: Increases Speed by 7 and Maximum MP by 97 while reducing MP consumption by 3% when using skills.
  • For the Vorpal Light Armor Set, the bonus for Resistance to Paralysis has changed to Resistance to Stun.
  • As for the Spear weapons of S84-Grade or higher, the stats for special abilities of Haste is increased from 9% to 11%.
  • Vesper Buster: Information about the rare option in its item description has been corrected with accurate information.
  • Dynasty weapons and armor have changed to S-Grade from S80-Grade. They can now be equipped at level 76. The stats of these items have not changed.
  • Information regarding the Focus values in the item description of Octo Claw and Jade Claw has been corrected with accurate effect information.
  • The description of the MP Consumption Juice has been corrected with the accurate information about its effects.
  • The description for Vesper Gloves (rare type) and Vesper Noble Gloves (rare type) now includes information about the Resistance to Stun option.
  • The buff effect of the Event: Fresh Milk item will no longer be replaced by the same effect from a PC or Pet buff.
  • S-Grade and A-Grade Crystals are no longer available from Trader of Mammon.
  • To better distinguish the respective classes of Forgotten Scrolls, the icons have changed as follows:
    • Scroll available for Knight class: Shield icon
    • Scroll available for Fighter class: Sword icon
    • Scroll available for Mage/Healer class: Magic icon
  • Effects from items that maintain or replenish Vitality are now applied instantly. Therefore, the risk of effects being canceled when in use due to outside attacks is reduced.
  • Icarus weapons and Moirai armor are now dropped from monsters in the Field of Whispers and Field of Silence.
  • The amount of MP consumption when dealing common attacks with a bow has decreased according to grade:
    • S-Grade: (Before) 11-12, (Now) 6
    • A-Grade: (Before) 10, (Now) 5
    • B-Grade: (Before) 9, (Now) 4
    • C-Grade: (Before) 7-8, (Now) 3
    • D-Grade: (Before) 4-6, (Now) 2
    • No-Grade: (Before) 1-3, (Now) 1
  • The Critical Rate values of the Focus PvP variation of the following ranged weapons have changed as follows:
    • Vesper Pincer: (Before) 128, (Now) 131
    • Vesper Shoot: (Before) 128, (Now) 133
    • Gemtail Rapier: (Before) 137, (Now) 134
    • Dominion Crossbow: (Before) 137, (Now) 139
    • Heavenstare Rapier: (Before) 137, (Now) 134
    • Thorne Crossbow: (Before) 137, (Now) 139
  • The appearance and buff icons for certain Herbs have been changed to be more easily distinguishable from each other:
    • Greater Herb of Life
    • Superior Herb of Life
    • Greater Herb of Mana
    • Superior Herb of Mana
    • Herb of Critical Attack - Power
    • Herb of Vampiric Rage
    • Herb of Speed
    • Herb of Alacrity
    • Vitality Replenishing Herb
  • Icons for some items have changed:
    • Transformation Sealbook (all)
    • Treasure Sack of the Ancient Giants
    • Elven Earring Beads
    • Elven Necklace Beads
    • Journeyman Deco Beads
    • Necklace of Black Ore Beads
    • Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads
    • Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads
    • Circlet of Scuhttgart Combat
    • Circlet of Oren Combat

Revamped Hunting Grounds & Raid Bosses

Antharas' Lair and Dragon Valley have been pleasantly revamped. New NPCs called "Separated Soul's can be found in Hunter's Village, Dragon Valley, and Antharas' Lair, and can teleport players levels 80 and above between each of these areas. Separated Soul NPCs also offer daily quests for their related zones, and can synthesize certain items into Antharas Blood Crystals:

  • Will of Antharas: can be obtained from the Raid Boss monsters in Antharas' Lair.
  • Sealed Blood Crystal: can be obtained from the raid boss monster in Dragon Valley.

As the Antharas' Lair and Dragon Valley zones have been revamped, certain quests are no longer available, or their related monsters have been moved. If you were in progress of completing one of the removed quests when this update was launched, you can complete and receive rewards for these quests by speaking to the News Informer NPC:

  • Power of Darkness (level 55)
  • Whisper of Dreams - Part 1 (level 56)
  • Whisper of Dreams - Part 2 (level 60)

With the exception of the quests mentioned above, any monsters related to quests in Antharas' Lair and Dragon Valley can now be found in Watcher's Tomb. To view where quest monsters appear, check the quest map-pin in your map window.

Antharas' Lair

Zone type: Party hunting area
Recommended level: 85

The soldiers of Aden have long been collecting the cursed bones of watchmen that died miserably in the valley of the Land Dragon Antharas. Because of this, the Blood Curse affects fewer undead monsters, and the number of soldiers taking aim at Antharas has been increased. In response, Antharas has summoned additional ferocious monsters near its nest to keep those infiltrators in check.

  • Some geographical features inside the Antharas' Lair zone have changed, and new monsters have been added.
  • Antharas' Lair is now home to new raid bosses, include Drake Lord, Dragon Beast, and Behemoth Leader.
  • During an Antharas Raid, the Antharas Blood Crystal can resurrect dead allies and fully restore their experience points. This item and its function are only applicable during an Antharas Raid.
  • Quests related to Antharas' Lair can be obtained from a Separated Soul NPC.
  • Beware: the new and fearsome monster Knoriks may show up during raids and patrol inside Antharas' Lair.
  • If a spoil attack lands successfully on certain monsters in Antharas' Lair, there is a random possibility of receiving a Morale Boost buff.
  • The Portal Stone required to enter Antharas' nest through the Hearth of Warding is no longer consumed when entering.
  • Antharas' HP regeneration and over all stats have been reduced. The casting time for major skills used by Antharas has been increased.
  • The number of Dragon Helpers, Behemoth Dragons and Tarask Dragons, that Antharas summons during battle has been reduced, and the Tarask Dragon's overall stats have been reduced as well.
  • There are new helpful items that can be used during an Antharas raid. Read about them in the Items section.
  • When Antharas is defeated, Nevit's Herald appears in all towns. Read more in the Nevit's section.
  • Various new quests involving Antharas and the monsters in his nest have been added. Read more in the Quests section.
  • Various items which can be used in during a raid against Antharas have been added. Read about these below in "New Items for Valakas and Antharas raids.'

Dragon Valley

Zone type: Solo and party hunting area
Recommended level: 80-85


  • Form a party of various classes to gain buffs beneficial for hunting.
  • Certain raid boss monsters can be summoned if the item "Large Dragon Bone' is obtained inside the party-type-hunting zone. Use the item on a Dragon Vortex found in four places inside Dragon Valley to summon and hunt the following Raid Boss Monsters:
    • Emerald Horn
    • Bleeding Fly
    • Blackdagger Wing
    • Shadow Summoner
    • Spike Slasher
    • Muscle Bomber
    • Dust Rider
  • Earthquakes can strike Dragon Valley at random times and locations, where special monsters show up in groups.
  • Certain older monsters in Dragon Valley have been moved to Watcher's Tomb.
  • You can randomly obtain either MP Herbs or the Morale Boost buff if a Spoil attack lands successfully on a certain monster.
    • Buff level 1: The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive increased Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun Resistance by 50, Critical Rate by 10%, and Critical Power by 10%.
    • Buff level 2: The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive increased Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun Resistance by 80, Critical Rate by 30%, Critical Power by 15%, P.Atk. by 15%, and M.Atk. by 15%.
    • Buff level 3: The persistence of the brave who fight together in Dragon Valley receive increased Paralysis/Bleed/Poison/Stun Resistance by 90, Critical Rate by 50%, Critical Power by 20%, P.Atk. by 15%, M.Atk. by 15%, Atk.Spd. by 15%, Casting Speed by 15%, and XP by 20%.

Revamped Raid Bosses

Fire Dragon Valakas

  • The Floating Stone that was required to enter the Hall of Flames through Klein, the Watcher of Valakas, has been named to the Vaculalite Floating Stone, and is no longer consumed when entering.
  • Valakas' HP regeneration and overall stats have been reduced. The casting time for major skills used by Valakas has been increased.
  • The power for major skills used by Valakas has been changed.
  • The number of Lavasaurus Helpers summoned by Valakas during the battle has been reduced. Lavasaurus Helpers' overall stats and skill power has been reduced, and these creatures can now be hunted.
  • There are new helpful items that can be used during a Valakas raid. Read more in the Items section.
  • When Valakas is defeated, Nevit's Herald appears in all towns. Read more in the Nevit's section.
  • Various new quests involving Valakas and the monsters in his nest have been added. Read more in the Quests section.
  • Various items which can be used in during a raid against Valakas have been added. Read about these below in "New Items for Valakas and Antharas raids.'

Ice Queen Freya: Hard Mode

  • The amount of Archery Knights that spawn has been decreased, and the amount of time before they respawn has increased. Archery Knights' HP has been reduced.
  • Freya's HP has been reduced and she uses the skill Eternal Blizzard less often.
  • Glakias' HP has been reduced.


  • The power of the skills used by Beleth has been reduced.

New items for Valakas and Antharas raids

Various items which can be used in during a raid against Antharas or Valakas have been added. These items can only be used inside the dragons' nests. You can obtain these items from the new quests introduced with this update, which can be read about in the Quests section.

  • Totem of Body: Increases HP regeneration by 30%. Decreases damage received from falling by 80%. Targets nearby characters. Lasts 30 minutes. Re-use time is 10 minutes.
  • Totem of Spirit: Increases MP regeneration by 30%. Targets nearby characters. Lasts 30 minutes. Re-use time is 10 minutes.
  • Totem of Bravery: Increases P.Def. by 15% Cures Fear periodically. Targets nearby characters. Lasts 30 minutes. Re-use time is 10 minutes.
  • Totem of Fortitude: Increases M.Def. by 15% Cures Petrify periodically. Targets nearby characters. Lasts 30 minutes. Re-use time is 10 minutes.
  • Refined Red Dragon Blood: HP recovery. Targets party members. Re-use time is 5 minutes.
  • Refined Blue Dragon Blood: MP recovery. Targets party members. Re-use time is 5 minutes.

Changes to existing Hunting Zones

Tower of Insolence

  • All monsters in the Tower of Insolence now give more experience points when killed.
  • Certain monsters in the Tower of Insolence can no longer use skills for Stun effect.
  • By purchasing a particular Dimensional Stone for 10,000 Adena from the Research Keplon NPC, and using the stone on the Dimension Vortex, you can teleport to the floor of your choice:
    • Green Dimensional Stone: Teleports you to the first floor.
    • Blue Dimensional Stone: Teleports you to the fifth floor.
    • Red Dimensional Stone: Teleports you to the tenth floor.

Swamp of Screams

  • The number of monsters that attack first has been increased, and varies according to whether it is day or night in the game world.

Other Zone Changes

  • Monsters that are level 76 and above now give more experience points and skill points when killed.
  • Monsters in Dimensional Rifts now give more experience points and skill points when killed.
  • The level 83 Boss in the Labyrinth of the Abyss now drops items of a higher level.
  • When entering Crystal Caverns, the Blue Crystal, Clear Crystal or Red Crystal is no longer consumed.
  • The Blacksmith of Wind, Rooney, will stay longer at each location he teleports to.
  • A Kamaloka exit teleport device has been added to all Kamaloka instances.

Lucky Pig

While hunting in certain zones, you might encounter the Lucky Pig.

  • The Fortune Bug has been replaced by Lucky Pig.
  • Lucky Pig has the appearance of a flying pig.
  • Lucky Pig will make its presence known by shouting and approaching a character at random.
  • Lucky Pig eats Adena dropped nearby and will disappear if not fed for 10 minutes.
  • You can feed Adena to Lucky Pig a minimum of 3 times and a maximum of 10. You can check its fullness state by talking to it.
  • Once full, Lucky Pig will lose its wings and you can obtain a reward.
  • You can obtain a reward either by feeding Lucky Pig 10 times or talking to it after you fed it at least 3 times.
  • Locations:
    • Level 52 Lucky Pig: Enchanted Valley.
    • Level 70 Lucky Pig: Forest of the Dead, Valley of Saints.
    • Level 80 Lucky Pig: Wild Beast Pastures, Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Fields of Whispers & Silence, Crypts of Disgrace, Den of Evil, Primeval Isle, the solo area in Dragon Valley.
  • Rewards:
    • Level 52 Lucky Pig: Neolithic Crystal B and Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 52.
    • Level 70 Lucky Pig: Neolithic Crystal A and Soul Crystals - Stage 11.
    • Level 80 Lucky Pig: Neolithic Crystal S and Attribute crystals.
  • The Dimensional Merchants in towns are now functional. You can exchange Neolithic Crystals with the Dimensional Merchant to change a normal weapon to a rare weapon.
    • To change a weapon into a rare weapon, you need to supply the Dimensional Merchant with the weapon and 1 Neolithic Crystal of the same grade.

Treasure Chests

Treasure Chests in hunting grounds around Aden have been improved.

  • There are fewer of them, but the rewards are better.
  • They can only be opened through the Unlock skill or the newly added Maestro Key.
    • Treasure chests can no longer be opened with treasure chest keys.
  • The Maestro Key can be purchased from grocers in each village or obtained through the Summon Treasure Key skill.
  • The ability the receive a reward from a Treasure Chest depends both on your character's level and the level of the Treasure Chest:
    • If your character is level 77 or below, you can only get rewards from Treasure Chests within 6 levels of your character level.
      • For example, if you are level 77, you can get rewards from Treasure Chests of levels 71 through 83 only.
    • If your character is level 78 or higher, you can only get rewards from Treasure Chests within 5 levels of your character level.
      • For example, if you are level 78, you can get rewards from Treasure Chests of levels 73 through 83 only.
  • If you fail to obtain a reward from the Treasure Chest, the chest will self-destruct and disappear.
  • If you are very lucky, you can obtain an Adventurer's Treasure Sack from treasure chests. There are 3 types of Adventurer's Treasure Sack which are related to the level of the Treasure Chest.
    • Beginner Adventurer's Treasure Sack: One random D -Grade or C-Grade weapon.
    • Experienced Adventurer's Treasure Sack: One random B-Grade, A-Grade or S-Grade weapon (excluding Dynasty).
    • Great Adventurer's Treasure Sack: One random Dynasty, Icarus or Vesper weapon.

Nevit's Advent Blessing

The increasing number of Shilen's followers and their immeasurable power of prayer has gradually led to the day of Shilen's resurrection. The angel Nevit has been calmly watching this event unfold and, one day, he shot the Arrow of Light down from the heavens. The arrow contained a vision of himself, which served to bolster religious devotion to Einhasad, the nemesis of Shilen. Those who were affected by this arrow became susceptible to hallucinations by the fantasy and power of the light.

The Hunting Bonus and its resulting Nevit's Advent Blessing are a new vitality-boost system that is a part of the Nevit's Blessings group, which also includes the Recommendation system. It affects any and all logged-in characters automatically. The basic function of this system is to give a character vitality-related boosts in direct relation with that character's experience point gain. Any time your character’s Hunting Bonus gauge reaches 100%, the Nevit's Advent Blessing effect is activated and lasts 3 minutes.

Details on your character’s current Hunting Bonus can be found in the game’s interface in the Nevit's Blessings window. This same window also houses details for the Recommendation System.

The bar below the words ‘Hunting Bonus’ is the Hunting Bonus gauge. The gauge fills as the character gains experience points, or through other means (see below). Once the gauge reaches 100%, your character receives Nevit's Advent Blessing.

This is announced by a sound effect, visual effects, and messages both on the screen and in the system messages of your chat window. The visual effects include a red light glowing on your character and the wings icon blinking next to your full Hunting Bonus gauge.

The effect of Nevit's Advent Blessing lasts 3 minutes, after which the red glow disappears and the Hunting Bonus gauge resets.

Effects of Nevit’s Advent Blessing:

  • Vitality Recovery Effect: Regardless of your current Vitality level, your character receives an experience point bonus equivalent to Vitality level 4. This effect does not stack with other vitality recovery items.
  • Vitality Replenishing Effect: Similar to being under the effect of a Vitality Replenishing Herb, you gain Vitalityas you gain experience points while hunting. This effect does not stack with other vitality replenishing buffs or items.
  • Negated Death Penalty: No experience points are lost upon death.

Ways to Fill the Hunting Bonus Gauge:

  • By gaining experience points from hunting. Experience points gained from Quests do not apply.
  • By leveling up. Each time your character levels up, the Hunting Bonus gauge gets a big boost. The same amount of boost is given regardless of character level.
  • By being logged in while the Hunting Bonus timer is activated. Similar to the Recommendation System timer, the Hunting Bonus is another timer that activates as soon as your character kills a monster and receives experience points.
    • As long as the Hunting Bonus timer is active, your character slowly accumulates points while logged in.
    • The Hunting Bonus timer lasts 4 hours and can only be activated once per day.
    • Every day at 6:30 a.m. server-time, your character’s use of the Hunting Bonus timer resets, allowing reactivation.
    • When the Hunting Bonus timer is active, the gradual increase to the Hunting Bonus gauge stacks with other methods.
    • The slow and automatic increase of your Hunting Bonus gauge continues even if your character is dead.
  • By being randomly visited by the angel Nevit. While hunting, there is a random chance that you will be blessedby Nevit, giving a visible boost to your Hunting Bonus gauge. The arrival of Nevit is also announced in system messages.

The Hunting Bonus and Nevit's Advent Blessing apply to both normal and chaotic characters. However, chaotic characters with 6 or more PK points will receive an item-drop penalty.

The Hunting Bonus gauge applies to the respective character and is maintained regardless of Main/Subclass conversions.

The Hunting Bonus gauge and timer will not activate or grow if:

  • You gain experience points from monsters 9 levels or more below you.
  • You gain experience points while inside a Peace Zone.
  • If active, the Hunting Bonus timer will pause when you enter a Peace Zone or become disconnected from the server.

Nevit's Herald

When Antharas or Valakas are defeated, Nevit's Herald appears in all towns and remains for 3 hours.

Nevit's Herald can give you the “Fall of the Dragon” buff, which freezes your Recommendation and Hunting Bonus timers for 3 hours, effectively letting you enjoy these bonuses longer.

Experience Points & Parties

The amount of experience points required for leveling up your character has decreased for players of level 78 or above, to quicken the journey to higher levels and content.
The Party System has been adjusted in favor of larger parties. Each party member will now receive bonus experience points depending on how many players are in the party:

  • Party of 2 players: (Before) 30% (Now) 10% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 3 players: (Before) 39% (Now) 20% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 4 players: (Before) 50% (Now) 30% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 5 players: (Before) 54% (Now) 40% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 6 players: (Before) 58% (Now) 50% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 7 players: (Before) 63% (Now) 100% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 8 players: (Before) 67% (Now) 110% experience point bonus.
  • Party of 9 players: (Before) 72% (Now) 120% experience point bonus.

The experience point penalties for excessive differences in the level of party members has been changed. If the lowest and highest level party members are causing a level gap, the lowest-level member will receive a penalty according to how many levels of difference there are:

  • If the level gap between the highest and lowest party members is 9 levels or less, they will gain 100% of the XP as they will have no penalty.
  • If the level gap between the highest and lowest party members is 10 to 14 levels, the lowest party member will gain only 30% of the XP that others receive.
  • If the level gap between the highest and lowest party members is 15 levels or more, the lowest party member will not receive any XP.

The Party Matching System has been improved.

  • More functions have been added to the Waiting List section of the Party Matching window.
    • From the Waiting List, you can now search by name or class-type (ie: Warrior, Summoner, Healer, etc.). The name search function is case sensitive.
    • Clicking on a name will display the user's class, current location and show whether or not they are in an instanced dungeon.
  • You can now check the name and class of the members in a particular party-matching room from outside.
    • Click on a party-matching room listing to display the name and class-type icon of the members in that room.


Seven Signs Quest Series

Five new quests, including the Embryo Quest, have been added to the Seven Signs quest series to enable you to learn the stories behind the seals. These quests reward you with higher experience points, skill points, and the choice of a level 81 Forgotten Scroll as a reward.

All of these quests are for players levels 81 and above and are not repeatable. A player must have previously completed the first part of the Seven Signs Epic quest line in order to undertake these new quests.

  • Seven Signs, Girl of Doubt: Franz in the secret hideout tells you that the Twilight side has made progress with the Seven Signs Seal, and asks you to find out what they have investigated along with a new ally...
  • Seven Signs, Forbidden Book of the Elmore-Aden Kingdom: Solina's Biography has been discovered in the Library of Sages that you visited according to Elcadia's information. You realize Embryo is closely related to Saintess Solina...
  • Seven Signs, To the Monastery of Silence: Elcadia attempts to get to the true side of Embryo. She is headed to the Monastery of Silence mentioned in Solina's Biography to find the truth. There, she comes across a person she didn't expect to see.
  • Seven Signs, Solina's Tomb: Elcadia leaves for Solina's Tomb to meet Solina in person and to find out the true identity of Embryo. At the end of a grueling journey, they have to face the wicked intentions of Solina... Who in the world is Embryo?
  • Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal: The time has finally come for the true identity of Embryo! Elcadia managed to get away from a crisis. Experiencing how powerful Embryo actually is, she makes a new pledge...

New Quests

  • Olympiad Starter (75): Daily quest in which you must participate and complete 3, 5, or 10 Olympiad Matches. Win or Lose, you will receive a reward for participating.
  • Olympiad Veteran (75): Daily quest in which you must participate and complete five of each type of match (irrelevant match, class match, and team match) to claim a reward.
  • Olympiad Undefeated (75): Daily quest in which you must be victorious in 2, 5 or 10 matches without being defeated once in order to claim a reward.
  • Legendary Tales (80): One-time quest in which you must hunt seven raid monsters in Dragon Valley for rewards.
  • Wings of Sand (80): Daily quest in which you must hunt raid monsters in Dragon Valley for rewards.
  • Tired of Waiting (80): One-time quest in which you must introduce yourself to Dragon Valley by delivering Isael’s item to Trader Kitzka in that zone.
  • Don't Know, Don't Care (80): Daily quest in which you must hunt three raid monsters in Antharas’ Lair for rewards.
  • Embroidered with Souls - 1 (Zaken Chapter) (78): One-time quest in which Olf offers you a special cloak for killing Zaken.
  • Embroidered with Souls - 3 (Frintezza Chapter) (80): One-time quest in which Olf offers you a special cloak for killing Scarlet van Halisha.
  • Embroidered with Souls - 2 (Freya Chapter) (82): One-time quest in which Olf offers you a special cloak for killing Freya.
  • The Call of Antharas (83): Daily quest in which you must hunt Antharas’ Helpers, Tarask Dragons and Behemoth Dragons to obtain a one-time-use scroll enabling direct access to the Heart of Warding.
  • Jewel of Antharas (84): One-time quest in which you must hunt Antharas to obtain a permanent item enabling direct access to the Heart of Warding.
  • Dragon Trophy - Antharas (84): Repeatable quest in which you must hunt Antharas to obtain Individual Fame Points.
  • Refined Dragon’s Blood (83): Daily quest in which you must hunt monsters in Antharas’ Lair to obtain items that are useful in a battle with Antharas himself.
  • The Call of Valakas (83): Daily quest in which you must hunt Valakas’ Lavasaurus Helpers to obtain one-time-use scroll enabling direct access to Klein in the Forge of the Gods.
  • Jewel of Valakas (84): One-time quest in which you must hunt Valakas to obtain a permanent item enabling direct access to Klein in the Forge of the Gods.
  • Dragon Trophy - Valakas (84): Repeatable quest in which you must hunt Valakas to obtain Individual Fame Points.
  • How Lavasaurus Are Made (76): Daily quest in which you must hunt monsters in the Forge of the Gods to obtain items that are useful in a battle with Valakas.
  • Reclaim Our Era (80): Daily quest in which you must hunt various Raid Bosses to obtain an assortment of rewards such as bracelets, talismans, hair accessories and more.

Other Quests Changes

  • When accepting a quest, the number of items in the character’s Inventory is examined. The ratio of the number of items is increased from 80% to 90%.
  • The Noblesse quest series has been reworked and made easier to complete:
    • Possessor of a Precious Soul - 1:
      • The acquisition rate of the Malruk Succubus Claw and Scarlet Moss items has increased.
      • Monsters that give you Scarlet Moss were changed. Before (Splinter Stakato Drone) Now (Taik Orc Supply Leader - Cemetery)
      • The request from the Head Blacksmith in the Town of Goddard, Noel, has been removed and is no longer available.
    • Possessor of a Precious Soul - 3:
      • The acquisition rate of the Ring of the Goddess: Waterbinder and the Necklace of the Goddess: Evergreen has doubled.
      • The process of obtaining the Rain Song Staff of the Goddess has changed as follows:
      • Before: Obtain the Rain Song Staff of the Goddess through Barakiel, the Flame of Splendor raid boss.
      • Now: Satisfy one of the requirements and the Rain Song Staff of the Goddess is yours.
        • Method 1: Obtain the Rain Song Staff of the Goddess through Barakiel, the Flame of Splendor raid boss
        • Method 2: Hunt Wailing of Splendor, Fang of Splendor, Crown of Splendor, and Shout of Splendor monsters to collect 100 Fragments of Rain Song Staff of the Goddess.
  • The inconvenient process of having to select a dialog window over and over again to receive quest rewards is now gone. These quests now have an updated reward system:
    • An Ice Merchant's Dream
    • Gather the Flames
    • A Powerful Primeval Creature
    • Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe
    • How to Oppose Evil
    • Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1
    • Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2
    • Expulsion of Evil Spirits
    • Take Advantage of the Crisis!
    • Ghosts of Batur
    • Reed Field Maintenance
    • For a Good Cause
  • Monsters for the quest Pursuit of Clan Ambition now appear in Death Pass.

Birthday System Improvements

  • "The Birthday Present" box is given on the character's birthday via the mail system. This box contains:
    • Birthday Hat: The former Explorer Hat has been changed to a Birthday Hat. The Explorer Hat is no longer available.
    • 3 Birthday Vitality Potions: Each potion gives the character the effect of Vitality Boost for 4 hours.
  • Birthday Cake: The Birthday Cake effect lasts for 20 minutes and casts a 5-minute Vitality maintaining buff on nearby party members.
  • Afteryour character dies, the Birthday Vitality Potion buff remains on your character. The previous setting still applies for which the buff is gone if you change your character's Subclass.
  • The traditional birthday gift NPC "Alegria" has been given a reduced role of simply mailing out birthday presents.
    • Before: She gives out both Birthday buff and Explorer Hat.
    • Now: She exchanges Explorer Hat for Birthday Hat.
  • As long as a player logs onto their Birthday character within 14 days from the Birthday date, the Birthday Present will be given via the mail system.
  • The "Birthday Present" letter remains in the player's inbox for 14 days after the character's birthday. If unopened, it will be deleted on the 15th day.
  • In the new Birthday System, the 5th Anniversary Message is no longer displayed.
  • If the Birthday Cake is used on a ship/airship, the effect is not available.

Clan Adjustments

  • To make it faster and easier to increase your Clan Level, the Reputation Points and required number of members needed for leveling has been decreased for certain clan levels.
    • Clan level 6: Required Reputation Points (Before) 10,000 (Now) 5,000 ; Minimum Required Members (Before) 30 (Now) 30
    • Clan level 7: Required Reputation Points (Before) 20,000 (Now) 10,000 ; Minimum Required Members (Before) 80 (Now) 50
    • Clan level 8: Required Reputation Points (Before) 50,000 (Now) 20,000 ; Minimum Required Members (Before) 120 (Now) 80
  • The Bloody Queen, who gives you a Blood Mark needed for achieving Clan level 3, can now be found in Watcher's Tomb and the Seal of Shilen.
  • The clan points reward for these Clan Quests have been doubled:
    • A Clan's Reputation
    • A Clan's Prestige
    • A Clan's Fame.
  • More items have been added to the sales list of Auctionable Clan Halls:
    • Goddard Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Gludio Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Gludin Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Giran Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Dion Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Rune Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, A-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Schuttgart Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, C-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
    • Aden Clan Halls: Top-level Skill Point Scrolls, B-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls, A-Grade Armor Enchant Scrolls.
  • Clan Academy Circlet has been changed:
    • When a level 40-75 characters who graduated from the Academy wears the circlet, XP penalty for dying will be reduced by 50%. It stacks with other effects of the same type up to 80%.
    • If you destroy the Academy Circlet, you can buy it again from Blacksmith Pinter in Gludio Castle Town.
  • The Clan Oath armor set bonuses have been changed:
    • Heavy: Atk. Spd. and P.Atk. increased by 5%
    • Light: Atk. Spd. and Critical damage increased by 5%
    • Robe: MP recovery and Casting Spd. increased by 5%

Mail System

  • A Mail Recipient List window has been added to the Mailbox system:
    • An icon has been added to the right side of the 'To' field that allows a player to search for existing friends or clanmates, or browse through a personalized list of contacts apart from friends or clanmates.
    • You can add a recipient to the 'To' field by double-clicking the player's name from your list.
  • When entering the letters for a recipient's name, the auto-complete function will populate all matching entries from your list. Also, the 'To' field will also remember previous mail recipients who may not be on any of your mailing lists.

Modifications to the Game World

When the fourth seal was broken, Shilen, the Goddess of Destruction, awakened from a long sleep in the darkness. In effort to eliminate the remaining three seals that confined her soul, Shilen sacrificed her followers in the Necropolis and Catacombs, using their dark energy to summon the "Black Moon," which would be her eyes upon the world.

When Shilen exhaled bloody air, the sky turned red. Fear and anxiety encroached upon the world. Soon, when Shilen sprayed her blood over the continent, monsters drank her blood and became extremely violent!

As the return of the Goddess of Destruction approaches, ominous changes to the gameworld set the stage for the events to come. The overall luminosity as the game world approaches and enters the night is now significantly dark red. Shilen's stunning, red "Dark Moon" watches from the sky at night. Rain that seems to be made of blood falls occasionally at night throughout the land, creating red mists over the ground.


  • The server selection screen now displays a list of how many characters you have on each server. This character-column replaces the former ping column.
  • The Character Selection screen now displays each character's Vitality level.
  • In the buff notification window, slots for activation skills have been separated from those for common buffs.
    • Buffs: Top row. This row displays common buffs. While any single character can only obtain up to 20 buffs, a character that has acquired the Divine Inspiration skills can expand their available slots up to 24.
    • Toggle Skills: Second row, directly below common buffs. Displays toggle-buffs. There is no restriction placed on the number of Toggle skills used.
    • Song/Dances: Third row. Displays Song/Dance skills. Each user can have up to 12 simultaneous Songs/Dances.
    • Activation Skills: Fourth row. Displays the skills activated by specific conditions such as strikes or attacks. This row can display up to 24 skills.
    • Debuffs: Fifth row. Displays the negative skills currently being applied to your character. Up to 12 debuffs can be applied at once.
    • Penalties & Class-Specific status: Sixth row. Displays death, weight and grade penalties as well as status designations for certain classes (ie: Sonic Focus, Soul Expansion, etc.)
  • A fourth shortcut bar of 12 slots has been added to the user interface, however icons placed on this fourth bar cannot be assigned to keybindings.
  • Skill reuse timers have been added to each skill's icon to display any remaining time before the skill is usable again. The highest number these timers can display is 20 seconds.
  • Shortcut bar icons of expendable items now display their remaining quantity. The highest number that can be displayed is 99. If your inventory has more than 99 of an expendable item shown on your shortcut bar, the icon will instead display “99+”.
  • The tooltip display function is added to the skills/items registered in your shortcut window.
    • You can see the button on the lower right-hand side of the shortcut window to toggle on/off the Shortcut Tooltip for skills/items.
  • Shortcut key display function is added to the shortcut window.
  • When initiating conversation with a NPC, your character will be unable to move for a short time. A system message has been added to alert you of this.
  • The system message for receiving experience points and skill points from killing a monster now specifies any bonuses received as well, such as from Nevit's Blessings, Vitality items, etc.
    • For example, a new system message might say: "You have acquired 46248 EXP (Bonus: 30832) and 4230 SP (Bonus: 2820)."
  • The "Arrange" system in the Resurrection Selection Window that is available when a character is dead has changed as follows:
    • Before: If there are multiple resurrection buttons to choose from, they are aligned in a pre-defined position.
    • Now: If there are multiple resurrection buttons to choose from, they are aligned in a sequential order.
  • When the "MSN Messenger" function is activated, the [Talk to Friend] tab now shows up first.
  • The "NPC Dialog Off" function has been added to the "Chat Window Options."
  • When whispering to a character who is blocking you, a notice message for cancel block is displayed.
  • The function for choosing to display the [Party Room Title] has been added to the message for "Party Room Invitation."
  • The Inventory Arrange function has been improved:
    • The existing Inventory system that fills up only empty slots has been improved.
    • Items in the Inventory are now arranged in the following order:
      • Arranged in a sequential order of: money, weapons, armors, accessories, and miscellaneous items.
      • As for the same item types, those that weigh more come before others that weigh less.
  • The problem of the item arrangement in the Inventory becoming mixed up at times for no particular reason has been fixed.
  • Miscellaneous items are now arranged in a sequential order according to their type: Scroll type, potion type, arrow type, recipe type, and other types of items.


  • After the High Five update takes effect and the servers open, all characters will have been placed in the nearest village or town.
  • Venom, the chief of Triol who appears in the Rune Castle Siege now automatically moves to the throne if he wanders too far from his main position.
  • The rates for raising and lowering a character's Karma have been changed. More Karma is now added to your character after killing another character. Karma points wear off slower than before when killing monsters, and faster than before when your character is killed by another character.


  • Karma, the PK penalty system, has changed:
    • More karma is added to your character after killing another character.
    • Karma is decreased at a much lower rate when killing monsters, and at a greater rate when killed by other characters.
    • The chance of dropping an equipped item upon dying has increased.

News Informer

The News Informer NPC has returned for one month to give detailed information about the changes in the High Five update:

  • Information about the new and revamped hunting zones.
  • Teleportation to the new and revamped hunting zones, and to various towns across the land.
  • Information about the Special Abnormal State indications.
  • Information about changes made to the Pet Hunger Gauge.
  • He can also assist in helping players finish quests which have been removed from the game in this update, including:
    • Power of Darkness
    • Whisper of Dreams - Part 1
    • Whisper of Dreams - Part 2

Duel Arena

  • New functions are available at the "Arena Manager" to promote Duel Arena.
    • CP recovery
    • HP recovery
    • Buffs for Duel Arena
    • Private Warehouse
  • The Arena Manager has been relocated outside of the fence for easier access.


  • The price of Pet equipment has been reduced by 50%.
  • The service fee required for exchanging regular Pet equipment for higher-level equipment has been reduced by 50%.
  • Unsummoned pets that carry items in their pet inventories cannot be placed in the Clan Warehouse.
  • New penalties are imposed when a Pet's Hunger Gauge reaches 0%:
    • XP/SP unobtainable
    • Pet is uncontrollable
    • Your Pet won't be gone even when you don't feed it.

Fantasy Isle

  • One can receive the Fantasy Isle Magic buff when visiting Fantasy Isle. The buff increases Speed and decreases Falling damage.
  • Warehouse Keeper NPCs have been placed inaround the Isle.
  • An Entrance Manager NPC has been placed in the center of Fantasy Isle for an easier access to the Blockchecker arena.
  • Paddies, the wooden doll NPC, now sells new accessories which can be purchased with Fantasy Isle Coins.
  • A new NPC named Kind Snow will help you take beautiful photos if you talk to him.


Transformation Sealbook - Heretic and Transformation Sealbook - Vale Master can now be obtained from:

  • Heretic: Platinum Guardian Prefect in Tower of Insolence
  • Vale Master: Hallate's Follower Mul in Tower of Insolence


  • You can now obtain S84-Grade equipment and enchanted epic jewels through the Auction operated by the Item Brokers in:
    • Rune
    • Giran
    • Aden
  • Item name color displayed at the rare item sale window has been changed from yellow to white.

The maximum amount of individual fame points that a character can have has increased from 50,000 to 100,000.

Teleport costs leaving Oren and Schuttgart have been changed:

  • From Oren to:
    • Goddard (Before) 12,000 (Now) 37,000
    • Heine (Before) 16,000 (Now) 50,000
    • Dion (Before) 11,000 (Now) 33,000
    • Schuttgart (Before) 19,000 (Now) 59,000
    • Gludio (Before) 11,000 (Now) 35,000
  • From Schuttgart to:
    • Rune (Before) 5,300 (Now) 12,000
    • Aden (Before) 17,000 (Now) 53,000
    • Oren (Before) 19,000 (Now) 59,000
    • Heine (Before) 36,000 (Now) 100,000
    • Giran (Before) 29,000 (Now) 87,000
    • Dion (Before) 29,000 (Now) 88,000
    • Gludio (Before) 28,000 (Now) 85,000

Localization Changes

  • The item Vesper Schutze/Sheutjeh is now called a Vesper Shooter.
  • The names of Raid Boss Jewels have been changed to follow a consistent format: [Jewel] of [Boss]. For example, the Earring of Zaken.
  • The skill Flint has been renamed to Petrify.
  • The monster Benom has been renamed to Venom.

Bug Fixes

  • When boarding a ship/airship, the problem of the Hero glow effect being displayed abnormally large has been fixed.
  • The problem of some areas of Aden not being designated as "no-fly areas" has been fixed.
  • The problem of the exclusive skill for Noblesse becoming deactivated in the Shortcut Key window has been fixed.
  • Spelling errors in the description of Disarm have been corrected.
  • The problem of some skills' reuse time not lasting as specified, if the skill is used through the Skills window, has been fixed.
  • The problem of the actual enchant value description which varies according to enchant type of the Death Spike skill incorrectly matching has been fixed.
  • The problem of the description of the Flame Icon skill being wrongly displayed has been fixed.
  • The problem of Seed of Annihilation monsters not attacking a Pet or servitor first has been fixed.
  • The problem of the corpses of Sel Mahum Recruit and Sel Mahum Soldier occasionally not disappearing at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds has been fixed.
  • The problem of the corpses of Labyrinth Captain at Steel Citadel occasionally not disappearing has been fixed.
  • The problem of Freya (normal mode) occasionally not using the Eternal Blizzard skill during an Ice Queen's Castle Raid has been fixed.
  • The problem of trying to enter a new Instanced Zone and instead being placed in the Instanced Zone your visited previously has been fixed. The problem of players not receiving the Authority buff after Spike Stakato Queen Shyeed dies and the server is restarted has been fixed.
  • The problem of the Fear skill failing to deal the proper effect on Bloody Queen has been fixed.
  • While performing the Lost and Found quest, the problem of Gumiel who is needed for completing the quest disappearing has been fixed.
  • The problem of the images of Vorpal Armor Series being displayed abnormally has been fixed.
  • The problem of the shoulder decoration of Dynasty Tunic not being displayed properly when equipped by Male/Female Human Mages has been fixed.
  • Vesper Buster: Information about the rare option in its item description has been corrected with accurate information.
  • Information regarding the Focus values in the item description of Octo Claw and Jade Claw has been corrected with accurate effect information.
  • The problem of the Aden NPC Grocer Holly not selling Gemstones B and C has been fixed.
  • The description of the MP Consumption Juice has been corrected with the accurate information about its effects.
  • The description for Vesper Gloves (rare type) and Vesper Noble Gloves (rare type) now includes information about the Resistance to Stun option.
  • The buff effect of the Event: Fresh Milk item will no longer be replaced by the same effect from a PC or Pet buff.
  • The problem of Kamaels equipped with a Vesper Nagan and a skill effect not happening has been fixed.
  • The problem of Female Human Mages equipped with a glove and their +7 weapon not displaying an effect has been fixed. The problem of the enchant glow effects of Periel Dual Sword and Eternal Core Dual Sword has been fixed.
  • The problem of Soulshot and Critical Hit sounds not being heard at times has been fixed.
  • Minor edits on many items have been fixed to display accurate information. The problem of the icon of an equipped Eternal Core Dual Sword displaying as Sirra's Blade has been fixed.
  • The problem of not being able to add the Soul Crystal option to the item name when the Rare Vesper Weapon is exchanged for a PvP weapon has been fixed.
  • The problem of the effect not being displayed properly when Soulshots and Spiritshots (including Blessed Spiritshot) are applied to Sacredium has been fixed.
  • The problem Kamaels using the Change Weapon skill with Vesper Nagans and Vesper Shooters and the weapon changing incorrectly has been fixed. The problem of Cancel being omitted in the skills which belong to PvP versions of Octo Claws and Jade Claws has been fixed.
  • The problem of the icon being wrongly displayed on the Passive Skill Window when Freya's Necklace and Freya's Blessed Necklace were equipped has been fixed.
  • The problem of not being able to refine S84 weapons with the Life Stone of level 46 to 55 has been fixed.
  • The problem of the abnormal image being displayed when the Male Elf character equips a Moirai Gauntlet and then an Icarus Hand has been fixed.
  • The problem of the equipped image of the rare-type lower armor overlapping the cloak has been fixed.
  • The problem of the item arrangement in the Inventory becoming mixed up at times for no particular reason has been fixed.
  • The issue where the re-use delay reduction effect from Necklace of Frintezza was not applied to song/dances skills has been fixed.
  • An issue with the debuff not being applied when using the Trickster-class skill Soul Shock while enchanted has been fixed.
  • An issue with the graphics of overenchanted Eternal Core and Periel Dualswords has been fixed.
  • An issue with the graphic animation of soulshots and spiritshots not being properly displayed when used with a Sacredium has been fixed.
  • The graphics issue of Kamael skills animation displaying the second wing in the wrong place has been fixed.